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Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller (Book Analysis)
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Death of a Salesman with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller,[...]
EAN 9782808034180
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind (Book Analysis)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Perfume: The Story[...]
EAN 9782808033886
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (Book Analysis)
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Infinite Jest with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace,[...]
EAN 9782808033442
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Horses Of Waterfall - Folge 5: Sorge um Lioness
Horses Of Waterfall - Folge 5: Sorge um Lioness
Isabella hat über Lioness' Social Media Seite eine Kooperationsanfrage von einem Hersteller für Pferdeshampoos erhalten. Die Firma hat ein neues Spezialmittel für die Fellpflege von Schimmeln[...]
EAN 4069828085244
Hersteller: EUROPA/Sony Music Family Entertainment
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Animal Farm by George Orwell (Book analysis)
Animal Farm by George Orwell (Book analysis)
In this clear and detailed reading guide, we've done all the hard work for you!Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory of the early communist regime in Russia. It tells the story of a group of animals who overthrow the owner[...]
EAN 9782808033893
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood (Book Analysis)
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Alias Grace with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood, a thought-provoking[...]
EAN 9782808034197
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré (Book Analysis)
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Spy Who Came[...]
EAN 9782808033459
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Folge 6: Wie-nennt-man-das
Folge 6: Wie-nennt-man-das
Wie-nennt-man-das Berta möchte eine neue Museumsausstellung mit einem Foto vom geheimnisvollen 'Wie-nennt-man-das' eröffnen. Doch leider bekommt sie es nie vor die Linse, weil es immer zu schnell wieder verschwunden ist. Die[...]
EAN 4069828086210
Hersteller: EUROPA/Sony Music Family Entertainment
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Book Analysis)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Hitchhiker's[...]
EAN 9782808033909
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Book Analysis)
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Book Analysis)
In this clear and detailed reading guide, we've done all the hard work for you!The Grapes of Wrath is an award-winning novel by American writer, John Steinbeck. It tells the story of the Joad[...]
EAN 9782808033466
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller (Book Analysis)
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Tropic of Cancer with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller,[...]
EAN 9782808034203
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Book Analysis)
The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of The Help with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which is set in the United States of the 1960s[...]
EAN 9782808034449
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Ana Frank
Ana Frank
DEJA QUE LA MISMÍSIMA ANA FRANK TE EXPLIQUE SU VIDA, EN PRIMERA PERSONA Y COMO SI FUERA UN CUENTO. Seguro que hay días en los que sientes que el mundo se derrumba. Quizá porque te has peleado con tu mejor amiga, o te has enfadado con tu hermano. En esos[...]
EAN 9788413615530
Hersteller: Shackleton Books
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Antoni Gaudí
Antoni Gaudí
DEJA QUE EL MISMÍSIMO ANTONI GAUDÍ TE EXPLIQUE SU VIDA, EN PRIMERA PERSONA Y COMO SI FUERA UN CUENTO. ¿Te gusta jugar con construcciones? Seguro que sí, es divertidísimo. Primero imaginas lo que quieres construir, un castillo, una granja o un gran palacio[...]
EAN 9788413615554
Hersteller: Shackleton Books
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (Book Analysis)
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of The Sound and the Fury with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Sound and the Fury by William[...]
EAN 9782808034456
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (Book Analysis)
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of The Lord of the Rings with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Lord of the Rings by J. R[...]
EAN 9782808034463
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
DEJA QUE LA MISMÍSIMA FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE TE EXPLIQUE SU VIDA, EN PRIMERA PERSONA Y COMO SI FUERA UN CUENTO. Estoy segura de que, cuando te pones malito y te tienes que quedar en casa haciendo reposo, tu padre o tu madre te cuidan como si fueran unos enfermeros[...]
EAN 9788413615592
Hersteller: Shackleton Books
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
De fallna flickorna
De fallna flickorna
En varm sommardag utbryter kaos i den sömniga staden Mount Chester när sjuttonåriga Jenna försvinner och några timmar senare hittas brutalt mördad i de isolerade bergen kring Wildfire Ridge. I jakten på sanningen får kriminalkommissarie Kay Sharp veta[...]
EAN 9788742804841
Hersteller: Jentas
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (Book Analysis)
Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Darkness at Noon with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler,[...]
EAN 9782808034470
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Hur hittar man en mördare som inte lämnar några spår? Offret har dödats med ett enda, precist hugg i magen, och vid första anblicken ser det ut att vara ett rån som gått fel. En omtänksam, respekterad socialarbetare som gått förlorad i ett meningslöst[...]
EAN 9788742805121
Hersteller: Jentas
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Address Unknown by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (Book Analysis)
Address Unknown by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (Book Analysis)
Unlock the more straightforward side of Address Unknown with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Address Unknown by Kathrine Kressmann[...]
EAN 9782808034487
Hersteller: BrightSummaries.com
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Taynyy dnevnik Natali Goncharovoy
Taynyy dnevnik Natali Goncharovoy
Kto ubil Pushkina? Avtor, Klod Mark Kaminski, frantsuz s russkoy dushoy, vedet rassledovanie po taynomu lichnomu dnevniku Natali Goncharovoy. Sama istoriya obscheizvestna: v 1837 godu Aleksandr Pushkin, samyy znamenityy poet Rossii,[...]
EAN 9785042165122
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Tak slozhilis zvezdy. Kak prevratit lyubov k puteshestviyam v delo vsey zhizni
Tak slozhilis zvezdy. Kak prevratit lyubov k puteshestviyam v delo vsey zhizni
«Odno iz kachestv, kotorym dolzhen obladat ne tolko horoshiy trevel-zhurnalist, no i puteshestvennik, — eto spontannost. Imenno ona v otvete za impulsy i[...]
EAN 9785042073403
Hersteller: Bombora
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Samye rodnye, samye blizkie
Samye rodnye, samye blizkie
Tri devochki smotryat so staroy fotografii: sittsevye sarafany, pylnye nogi v razbityh sandaliyah. Oni vesely i bezzabotny – tak, kak byvaet lish v detstve, kogda esche ne znaesh, chto zhdet vperedi. Gody letyat bystro – i[...]
EAN 9785042165139
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Mne s soboy horosho. Kniga-mayak dlya teh, chi glaza perestali svetitsya
Mne s soboy horosho. Kniga-mayak dlya teh, chi glaza perestali svetitsya
Esli chelovek ulybaetsya, eto ne znachit, chto u nego vse horosho. Zhizn Larisy skladyvalas ochen uspeshno: avtor populyarnyh knig, sobstvennoe delo, vysokiy[...]
EAN 9785042078576
Hersteller: Bombora
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Prelest. O strannostyah lyubvi
Prelest. O strannostyah lyubvi
«Grisha nazyval ee «moya prelest». Voobsche, vse eto vyglyadelo tak: schaste prishlo – i vot ya nakonets tebya vstretil! Mozhno zhdat vsyu zhizn i ne dozhdatsya, a tut, mozhno skazat, neskazanno i neslyhanno povezlo. Eto[...]
EAN 9785042165160
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
«Togda ey kazalos, chto ona etogo prosto ne perezhivet. Glupaya, naivnaya devochka! Perezhit prishlos esche mnogo chego. O-go-go, skolko prishlos perezhit. Potom ona ne raz udivlyalas chelovecheskim vozmozhnostyam. A ved nichego, i ne to perezhivali…»
EAN 9785042165177
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Imenno logika pomogaet ustanovit istinu, sohranit yasnost uma i stroynost myshleniya, izbegat oshibok i lovushek razuma. Znamenityy uchebnik logiki G.I. Chelpanova vyderzhal ogromnoe kolichestvo izdaniy, aktualen i sovremenen segodnya kak nikogda. V knige:[...]
EAN 9785042096495
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Skazka o rybake i zolotoy treske. Lyubimye skazki v stile Maynkraft
Skazka o rybake i zolotoy treske. Lyubimye skazki v stile Maynkraft
Zhil-byl staryy rybak, kotoryy odnazhdy poymal volshebnuyu zolotuyu tresku, sposobnuyu ispolnit lyuboe zhelanie! Dobryy starik szhalilsya nad rybkoy i otpustil ee na svobodu. V blagodarnost treska[...]
EAN 9785042096631
Hersteller: Bombora
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Negromkie lyudi
Negromkie lyudi
«Oni byli iz teh dalnih, neznachitelnyh i nelyubimyh rodstvennikov, kotoryh vstrechaesh tolko na yubileyah i pohoronah. Voobsche-to ih nedolyublivali. Za chto? Ved s vidu oni byli absolyutnye, klassicheskie bozhi oduvanchiki. Chistenkie, rovnenkie, pohozhie[...]
EAN 9785042165184
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Instinkt zhertvy
Instinkt zhertvy
U Leona sluchilos samoe strashnoe — ego doch Lera ne vernulas domoy posle zanyatiy. Devochku iskal ves gorod, no obnaruzhili tolko odnu krasnuyu varezhku, a sam rebenok bessledno propal. Podruga Leona Aleksandra Gerts hochet pomoch emu spravitsya s poterey,[...]
EAN 9785042098055
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Vyzhivshaya iz Hodo
Vyzhivshaya iz Hodo
Ya, Miya, poslednyaya iz roda Hodo Vragi napali na moy zamok i vyrezali moy rod. Ya vyzhila blagodarya drevnemu artefaktu. Teper ya v tele yunoy devushki na drugom kontse mira. Ostalos tolko vypolnit dva obeschaniya, v obmen na kotorye ya poluchila novoe vmestilische[...]
EAN 9785042101182
Hersteller: Eksmo
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
V okrestnostyah severnogo goroda obnaruzhen obezglavlennyy trup s otrublennymi kistyami ruk. Operativnikam vo glave s polkovnikom Vladislavom Kostenko udaetsya vyyasnit, chto posledniy raz pogibshego videli v taksi, za rulem kotorogo byl muzhchina, nazyvavshiy[...]
EAN 9785042104718
Hersteller: Inspiria
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise
Luchshie druzya i puteshestvie po reke
Luchshie druzya i puteshestvie po reke
Volshebnaya istoriya dlya vsey semi o lesnyh zveryatah, otpravivshihsya v uvlekatelnoe puteshestvie po reke! Ustroyte sebe uyutnyy vecher, slushaya ob otvazhnyh i druzhnyh zhivotnyh. A posle prigotovte vkusneyshiy apelsinovyy[...]
EAN 9785042106361
Hersteller: Eksmo Kids
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Sekrety cveta s Zoey Ti. Kak s pomoshchyu cveta sozdat vkusnyy interer
Sekrety cveta s Zoey Ti. Kak s pomoshchyu cveta sozdat vkusnyy interer
Hotite razobratsya v tom, kak rabotat s tsvetom? Ved odin i tot zhe interer v odnih tsvetah mozhet vyglyadet bezvkusnym i ploskim, a v drugih — stilnym i obemnym. Pochemu tak poluchaetsya?[...]
EAN 9785042114632
Hersteller: Bombora
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Hörbücher
Alle Preise

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