PESTLE Analysis
Prepare the best strategies in advance This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the PESTLE analysis, providing you with the essential information and saving time. In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Understand the[...]
EAN 9782808040709 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Improve Your Business Through Kaizen
Understand Kaizen in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this innovative concept with this practical and accessible guide.In an increasingly competitive business world, companies must strive to constantly do better[...]
EAN 9782808041027 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is an engaging, thought-provoking[...]
EAN 9782808040716 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Ishikawa Diagram
Anticipate and solve problems within your businessThis book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the Ishikawa diagram, providing you with the essential information and saving time. In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Recognize[...]
EAN 9782808040877 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Parkinson's Law
Master time management and increase productivityThis book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing Parkinson's Law, providing you with the essential information and saving time.In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Understand[...]
EAN 9782808040884 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: The New One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.The New One[...]
EAN 9782808040723 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Effective Communication at Work
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about effective communication at work with this practical guide.Do you struggle to develop relationships or make yourself heard at work? There is[...]
EAN 9782808041041 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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SMART Criteria
The SMART way to set objectivesThis book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the SMART criteria, providing you with the essential information and saving time.In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Understand the 5 criteria[...]
EAN 9782808040891 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Game Theory
The art of thinking strategically This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing game theory, providing you with the essential information and saving time.In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Quickly master the concept of[...]
EAN 9782808040730 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Customer Relationship Management
Understand customer relationship management in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this powerful tool with this practical and accessible guide.Customer relationship management is a valuable tool in an increasingly[...]
EAN 9782808041058 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Albert Camus
Keen to learn but short on time? Find out everything you need to know about the life and work of Albert Camus in just 50 minutes with this straightforward and engaging guide!Albert Camus is one of the most celebrated and influential writers of the 20th century[...]
EAN 9782808041065 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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The BCG Growth-Share Matrix: Theory and Applications
The key to portfolio management! This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the BCG growth-share matrix, providing you with the essential information and[...]
EAN 9782808040907 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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The Peter Principle
Boost competence and efficiency in your company This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the Peter Principle, providing you with the essential information and saving time. In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Understand the theory behind[...]
EAN 9782808040747 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Malenkiy shag v neizvestnost'
On zhil razmerennoy zhiznyu, seroy, skuchnoy, nichem ne primechatelnoy, i, navernoe, imenno poetomu ne smog otkazatsya, kogda vecherom k nemu na ogonek zaglyanula Ledi Smert i sdelala neozhidannoe predlozhenie. «Priglyadi za[...]
EAN 9785171704292 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
6,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Izobretatelstvuyuschiy popadanets vozvraschaetsya v Rossiyu, chtoby srazitsya s mezhdunarodnymi akulami biznesa i otstoyat svoi prava. Budut esche izobreteniya, suschestvennye i tak, po melochi, vrode sharikovoy ruchki. Tem ne menee tolchok telega Istorii[...]
EAN 9785171704834 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
6,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Skromnitse Linde Preston poschastlivilos zavoevat serdtse samogo zavidnogo zheniha universitetaAleksa Mitchella. V otnosheniyah pary tsarit idilliya do togo samogo momenta, poka Linda ne soglashaetsya provesti kanikuly v dome ego roditeley. Devushke predstoit[...]
EAN 9785171705251 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
8,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Detskie strahi i metody ih preodoleniya ot 3 do 15 let. Teoriya i praktika detskogo psihologa
Detstvo – korotkiy, no chrezvychayno vazhnyy period zhizni kazhdogo cheloveka, formiruyuschiy samostoyatelnuyu i uverennuyu lichnost[...]
EAN 9785171714048 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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11 lzhetsov
Pozdnim vecherom zhurnalist Ben Harper vozvraschaetsya domoy, v londonskiy prigorod Hadli, kogda zamechaet, chto gorit zabroshennyy klub pri mestnoy tserkvi. V proeme dveri on vidit figuru cheloveka i brosaetsya emu na pomosch. Spasennyy ot ognya — v dymu[...]
EAN 9785171715335 Hersteller: Corpus
Bester Preis:
10,49€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Krieg der Seesterne. Ein Küstenkrimi
Piet Paulsen traut seinen Augen nicht: »Ufos über Fredenbüll? Dat kann doch gar nich angehen.« Doch er ist sich sicher, die Außerirdischen sind gleich hinterm Deich gelandet. Als dann ein Toter im neu entstandenen Kornkreis[...]
EAN 9783742431011 Hersteller: Der Audio Verlag
Bester Preis:
13,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Devyat tsarstv: Gospozha Zhemchuzhina
Vo vremena pravleniya dinastii Velikoy Chzhen v okeanah mira Devyati TSarstv obitali rusalki, chi slezy prevraschalis v chudesnyy zhemchug. Zhiteli morskogo poberezhya oblagalis tyazhelym nalogom na zhemchug. Chtoby ego uplatit,[...]
EAN 9785171672379 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Povelitel tayn. Kniga 1
Chzhou Minzhuy zhil obychnoy zhiznyu: uchilsya, podrabatyval, aktivno pisal kommentarii v Internete. Osobenno emu nravilos poslednee, za chto on udostoilsya zvaniy divannogo analitika i poverhnostnogo eksperta po mnogim vescham[...]
EAN 9785171674861 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Govoryat, chto u koshki devyat zhizney. A skolko budet u nego? Pervaya i, kak on oprometchivo schital, edinstvennaya zhizn Alekseya Vorontsova slozhilas uspeshno. Krepkaya semya, lyubyaschaya zhena i zamechatelnye deti, pochetnaya otstavka v zvanii polkovnika[...]
EAN 9785171691417 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
6,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Istoriya. Kniga pervaya. Klio
Gerodot — drevnegrecheskiy istorik (V v. do n.e.), avtor znamenitoy knigi «Istoriya», polozhivshey nachalo istoriograficheskoy nauke. Zdes sobrany izvestnye na to vremya svedeniya ob okruzhayuschih Drevnyuyu Elladu zemlyah[...]
EAN 9785171704353 Hersteller: AST
Bester Preis:
1,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Första delen i populära Storm & Bergman-serien! En fruktansvärd terrorattack drabbar Köpenhamnsborna, och utredare Nikolaj Storm tilldelas uppgiften att leda en specialgrupp med uppdrag att hitta gärningsmännen. Spåren leder dem till en misstänkt terrorcell[...]
EAN 9788728298046 Hersteller: SAGA Egmont
Bester Preis:
13,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Heading Home to Lavender Cottage
Welcome to Alison Sherlock's new series, full of heart warming characters set in the idyllic English countryside.With nowhere else to go, Harriet Colgan has returned to the sleepy village of Cranfield to sell her beloved aunt[...]
EAN 9781804264263 Hersteller: Boldwood Books
Bester Preis:
22,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Thinking, Fast and Slow, by the Nobel Prize-winning[...]
EAN 9782808040754 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Artful Antics at St Bride's
The brand new instalment in Debbie Young's brilliant Gemma Lamb Cozy Mystery series.When English teacher Gemma Lamb's school flat is wrecked by storms, maverick headmistress Hairnet insists the girls must fund its repair by setting[...]
EAN 9781804831403 Hersteller: Boldwood Books
Bester Preis:
22,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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The Marketing Mix
Master the 4 Ps of marketing This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the marketing mix, providing you with the essential information and saving time.In 50 minutes you will be able to: • Launch a new product or test[...]
EAN 9782808040761 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Wedding Bells at Goodwill House
The next instalment in Fenella J. Miller's bestselling Goodwill House series!January 1941As the residents of Goodwill House feel the hard bite of winter, land girl Charlie Somiton is still glad of the warm friendships she has[...]
EAN 9781801628716 Hersteller: Boldwood Books
Bester Preis:
22,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Death On Board
NEW YORK,1900: A captivating cozy crime novel set on-board the maiden voyage of the S.S. Minneapolis, featuring series character Flora Maguire. Perfect for fans of Downton Abbey.Young governess Flora Maguire is on her way home from America on the maiden voyage[...]
EAN 9781835188330 Hersteller: Boldwood Books
Bester Preis:
22,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Eric Ries' 2011 bestseller The Lean Startup is a valuable guide for startup founders[...]
EAN 9782808040778 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Welcome to Weaver Street
If you love Katie Flynn and Pam Howes, you'll love Chrissie Walsh's WWI story of love, loss and triumph!July, 1916Kitty and Tom Conlon arrive in Liverpool in July 1916 to claim the house Tom's great-uncle has bequeathed him in[...]
EAN 9781802809343 Hersteller: Boldwood Books
Bester Preis:
22,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Understand the true foundations of human motivationThis book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, providing you with the essential information and saving time.In 50[...]
EAN 9782808040624 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.As its name suggests, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind seeks to trace the[...]
EAN 9782808040785 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Michael Porter's Value Chain
Understand Michael Porter's value chain in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this valuable business tool with this practical and accessible guide. The Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter has dedicated[...]
EAN 9782808040631 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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Book Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is one[...]
EAN 9782808040792 Hersteller:
Bester Preis:
9,99€ von: Thalia Hörbücher
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