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Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften > Bücher

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Beatty, Millard F.: Principles of Engineering Mechanics
Beatty, Millard F.: Principles of Engineering Mechanics
Separation of the elements of classical mechanics into kinematics and dynamics is an uncommon tutorial approach, but the author uses it to advantage in this two-volume set. Students gain a mastery[...]
EAN 9781441936561
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Provides a detailed description of perchlorate chemistry and recent advances in innovative remediation technologies for perchlorate contamination and their pros and cons Additionally, the first book to describe the natural occurrence of perchlorate and its[...]
EAN 9781441940544
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Kratz, Oliver S.: Frontier Emerging Equity Markets Securities Price Behavior and Valuation
Kratz, Oliver S.: Frontier Emerging Equity Markets Securities Price Behavior and Valuation
Frontier Emerging Equity Markets Securities Price Behavior and Valuation
EAN 9781441950956
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Plassche, Rudy J. Van De: Bandpass Sigma Delta Modulators
Plassche, Rudy J. Van De: Bandpass Sigma Delta Modulators
Sigma delta modulation has become a very useful and widely applied technique for high performance Analog-to-Digital (A/D) conversion of narrow band signals. Through the use of oversampling and[...]
EAN 9781441951168
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Vries, Henk J. De: Standardization: A Business Approach to the Role of National Standardization Organizations
Vries, Henk J. De: Standardization: A Business Approach to the Role of National Standardization Organizations
Standardization: A Business Approach to the Role of National Standardization Organizations
EAN 9781441951038
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

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Schlagworte dieser Kategorie: bücher, zeitschriften, the, of, and, in, der, und, de, to, for, die, la, des, von, on, book, john, im, life, et, das, with, from, my, an, love, william, für, en

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