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Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften > Bücher

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Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design
Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design
Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design - A Systems Perspective addresses the need for an introductory text on asynchronous circuit design. Part I is an 8-chapter tutorial which addresses the most important issues for the beginner,[...]
EAN 9781441949363
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Applications of Neural Networks
Applications of Neural Networks
Applications of Neural Networks gives a detailed description of 13 practical applications of neural networks, selected because the tasks performed by the neural networks are real and significant. The contributions are from leading[...]
EAN 9781441951403
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

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Schlagworte dieser Kategorie: bücher, zeitschriften, the, of, and, in, der, und, de, to, for, die, la, des, von, on, book, john, im, life, et, das, with, from, my, an, love, william, für, en

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