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The Tortilla Curtain
The Tortilla Curtain
T.C. Boyle's tragicomic, award-winning novel about assimilation, immigration, and the price of the American dream 'A masterpiece of contemporary social satire.' -The Wall Street Journal Topanga Canyon is home to two couples on a collision course. Los Angeles[...]
EAN 9780140238280
Hersteller: Penguin LLC US
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
Die Teilprothese
Die Teilprothese
Zum Verständnis der Teilprothese und aller anderer Formen des Zahnersatzes sind Kenntnisse der Anatomie, Histologie und Funktion des stomatognathen Systems erforderlich. Eine zweite Grundvoraussetzung sind Kenntnisse über die benutzten Werkstoffe und ihre[...]
EAN 9783937346427
Hersteller: Neuer Merkur
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Strahlentherapie und Onkologie: mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie: mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 5, Label : Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier GmbH, Publisher : Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier GmbH, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 552, publicationDate[...]
EAN 9783437475016
Hersteller: Rolf Sauer
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von: Medimops (gebrauchtes)
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Kopiervorlagen für Lehrer an weiterführenden Schulen, Fächer: Religion, Philosophie, Ethik, Klasse 5-10 +++ Die Weltreligion Islam anschaulich, greifbar und lebendig: Diese Arbeitsblätter im Papphefter mit ihren kreativen und handlungsorientierten Aufgaben[...]
EAN 9783834609007
Hersteller: Verlag an der Ruhr
Bester Preis:
von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide

Hersteller: Smart Edition Academy / EAN-Nummer: 9781949147810

ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide
The Smart Edition Nursing ATI TEAS 7 study guide was designed to help you pass the test guaranteed! What makes this guide different and the best option for you to study with is: It includes Mobile App access so you can study on the go. It's organized better than other study guides to make studying easy. The book simplifies the material so it's simple to understand unlike other study guides that have way too much information or not enough information. A study schedule so you can know how to start studying. 3 extremely accurate and realistic online timed practice tests with video explanations for every question. Meet The SE Nursing Founder Nurse Melissa When I was completing the admissions process to nursing school, I found myself up late at night wondering if I was even studying the right material. I bought all the books and took hundreds of pages of notes! The entire process of studying for the ATI TEAS 7 was frustrating and overwhelming, I felt all this pressure with the admission requirements and deadlines. I read horror story after horror student from students who said NOTHING they studied was even on the test! After, I got into nursing school and created a better way to prepare for the ATI TEAS 7. I'm the creator of the ATI TEAS 7 Online Course. To make sure you feel supported every step of the way, I created a course complete with accurate and similar practice tests, easy to understand study lessons, detailed study plans, and videos for every topic and every practice question. Practice Tests One of the best ways to prepare for the ATI TEAS 7 exam is to spend as much time as possible practicing test questions, this study guide includes 3 extremely accurate practice tests. You will find 1 practice test in the book and 2 tests online. Our online tests can be taken an unlimited number of times and offer a scored report with questions mapped to each subject skill area so you know your strengths and weaknesses to help guide your studying. 1 Practice Tests In The Book [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Schulbedarf

Preis: 45,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23931904592

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