Ausgewählte Sonaten 4
Hersteller: Verlag Henle / EAN-Nummer: 9790201805818
Anbieter: Averdo
Scarlatti, Domenico: Ausgewählte Klaviersonaten Band IV
Von vielen Pianisten sehnsüchtig erwartet - ein vierter Urtext-Band mit einer Auswahl aus dem umfangreichen Sonatenschaffen Domenico Scarlattis! Während sich in den drei schon vorliegenden Sammlungen HN 395, 451 und 476 viel und selten Gespieltes in etwa die Waage halten, und somit Entdecker ganz auf ihre Kosten kommen, legen wir mit Band IV ein "best of Scarlatti" vor. Trotz der legendären Quellen-Reinschriften aus Venedig und Parma ist die Scarlatti-Überlieferung verzwickt und variantenreich, ein Umstand, dem wir mit einem Fußnoten-Apparat Rechnung tragen. Auch diese viel gespielten Sonaten laden somit zu überraschenden Neu-Entdeckungen ein. Scarlatti Band IV - ein Prachtexemplar!
Preis: 32,50 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 23232031521
Anbieter: Thalia Bücher Medien
Domenico Scarlatti - Ausgewählte Klaviersonaten, Band IV
Eagerly awaited by countless pianists: a fourth Urtext volume with a selection of pieces from Domenico Scarlatti’s vast sonata output. Whereas in the three collections HN 395, 451 and 476 there is about an equal number of often played and rarely played pieces that were sure to reward the inquisitive, Volume IV is a compilation of “the best of Scarlatti”. In spite of the legendary fair copies from Venice and Parma that constitute the sources, the Scarlatti transmission remains complicated and rich in variants – a circumstance that we account for with a footnote apparatus. Even in these often played sonatas there are many surprising discoveries to be made. Scarlatti Volume IV – a treasure chest of Baroque keyboard gems!
Preis: 32,50 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24571952689
Anbieter: Notenbuch
Ausgewählte Sonaten 4
Sonate d-moll K 1 L 366 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate g-moll K 8 L 488 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate c-moll K 11 L 352 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate E-Dur K 20 L 375 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate h-moll K 27 L 449 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 29 L 461 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate d-moll K 32 L 423 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 33 L 424 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate h-moll K 87 L 33 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate A-Dur K 113 L 345 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 118 L 122 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 119 L 415 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate C-Dur K 132 L 457 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate E-Dur K 135 L 224 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate G-Dur K 146 L 349 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate E-Dur K 162 L 21 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate A-Dur K 208 L 238 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate f-moll K 239 L 281 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate cis-moll K 247 L 256 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate A-Dur K 322 L 483 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate G-Dur K 427 L 286 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate g-moll K 450 L 338 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate G-Dur K 454 L 184 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate C-Dur K 460 L 324 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate f-moll K 466 L 118 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate f-moll K 481 L 187 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 491 L 164 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate D-Dur K 492 L 14 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate C-Dur K 502 L 3 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate C-Dur K 514 L 1 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate E-Dur K 531 L 430 / Scarlatti Domenico|Sonate a-moll K 532 L 223 / Scarlatti Domenico [...]
Preis: 32,50 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 14258682482
Anbieter: Thalia Deutsch
Domenico Scarlatti - Ausgewählte Klaviersonaten, Band IV
Eagerly awaited by countless pianists: a fourth Urtext volume with a selection of pieces from Domenico Scarlatti’s vast sonata output. Whereas in the three collections HN 395, 451 and 476 there is about an equal number of often played and rarely played pieces that were sure to reward the inquisitive, Volume IV is a compilation of “the best of Scarlatti”. In spite of the legendary fair copies from Venice and Parma that constitute the sources, the Scarlatti transmission remains complicated and rich in variants – a circumstance that we account for with a footnote apparatus. Even in these often played sonatas there are many surprising discoveries to be made. Scarlatti Volume IV – a treasure chest of Baroque keyboard gems!
Preis: 32,50 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 20875154044
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
Domenico Scarlatti - Ausgewählte Klaviersonaten, Band IV
Eagerly awaited by countless pianists: a fourth Urtext volume with a selection of pieces from Domenico Scarlatti’s vast sonata output. Whereas in the three collections HN 395, 451 and 476 there is about an equal number of often played and rarely played pieces that were sure to reward the inquisitive, Volume IV is a compilation of “the best of Scarlatti”. In spite of the legendary fair copies from Venice and Parma that constitute the sources, the Scarlatti transmission remains complicated and rich in variants – a circumstance that we account for with a footnote apparatus. Even in these often played sonatas there are many surprising discoveries to be made. Scarlatti Volume IV – a treasure chest of Baroque keyboard gems!
Preis: 32,50 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 15872819684
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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