Buch Kinfolk Garden
Hersteller: New Mags / EAN-Nummer: 9781579659844
Anbieter: Averdo
Burns, John: The Kinfolk Garden
Since the launch of its magazine in 2011, Kinfolk has grown into an internationally recognized brand known for its minimalist aesthetic and strong community of inspiring and influential creatives. Kinfolk's books, with a combined 335,000 copies in print, have applied this lens to cooking, home design, and work. Now, in The Kinfolk Garden, the team turns its eye to outdoor spaces and the many ways they enhance our lives and help us foster community. With a focus on spaces that bring the outdoors in and the indoors out and people who have found ways to expertly incorporate the natural world into their lives, the book explores the garden as a place for work, play, entertaining, and inspiration. Featuring 30 homeowners and their spaces in locations around the globe, The Kinfolk Garden offers an easy approach to bringing nature home. [...]
Preis: 32,59 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24315905856
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
The Kinfolk Garden
Since the launch of its magazine in 2011, Kinfolk has grown into an internationally recognized brand known for its minimalist aesthetic and strong community of inspiring and influential creatives. Kinfolk's books, with a combined 335,000 copies in print, have applied this lens to cooking, home design, and work. Now, in The Kinfolk Garden, the team turns its eye to outdoor spaces and the many ways they enhance our lives and help us foster community. With a focus on spaces that bring the outdoors in and the indoors out and people who have found ways to expertly incorporate the natural world into their lives, the book explores the garden as a place for work, play, entertaining, and inspiration. Featuring 30 homeowners and their spaces in locations around the globe, The Kinfolk Garden offers an easy approach to bringing nature home. [...]
Preis: 32,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 18418115677
Anbieter: Thalia Bücher Medien
The Kinfolk Garden
Since the launch of its magazine in 2011, Kinfolk has grown into an internationally recognized brand known for its minimalist aesthetic and strong community of inspiring and influential creatives. Kinfolk's books, with a combined 335,000 copies in print, have applied this lens to cooking, home design, and work. Now, in The Kinfolk Garden, the team turns its eye to outdoor spaces and the many ways they enhance our lives and help us foster community. With a focus on spaces that bring the outdoors in and the indoors out and people who have found ways to expertly incorporate the natural world into their lives, the book explores the garden as a place for work, play, entertaining, and inspiration. Featuring 30 homeowners and their spaces in locations around the globe, The Kinfolk Garden offers an easy approach to bringing nature home. [...]
Preis: 32,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24129199861
Anbieter: geliebtes Zuhause
Buch Kinfolk Garden
Hast Du einen grünen Daumen? Alles Rund um den Garten. Mit 30 inspirierenden Menschen und Orten rund um den Globus bietet The Kinfolk Garden einen einfachen Ansatz, die Natur in Dein Leben zu bringen. Nach "The Kinfolk Table", "Home" und "Entrepreneur" konzentriert sich das neueste Buch des Teams hinter dem Kinfolk-Magazin auf schöne Räume, die das Draußen nach innen und das Drinnen nach draußen bringen. Aufgeteilt in die Kapitel Pflege, Kreativität und Gemeinschaft, erforscht das Buch den Garten als Ort für Arbeit, Spiel, Unterhaltung und Inspiration. Entdecke üppige Gärten und mit Pflanzen gefüllte Häuser, lerne die inspirierenden Menschen kennen, die sie zum Blühen bringen, und erfahre von den Experten alles – vom Arrangieren bis zum Essen von Pflanzen und Blumen.
Preis: 40,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 5,95 Euro)
ID: 24347066234
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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