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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Ein- und Durchschlafen
Ein- und Durchschlafen
Gut ein- und durchschlafen zu können ist äußerst wichtig für die körperliche und seelische Gesundheit. Dieses Hörbuch bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit vom Alltag loszulassen, sich tief zu entspannen und sanft einzuschlafen[...]
EAN 9783893216383
Hersteller: Avita Media
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Leben im All
Leben im All
Kometen, Sternschnuppen und Protagonisten des Sonnensystems wie Saturn, Mars und Venus geben sich ein Stelldichein in dieser knallbunten Revue, in der das Schwarze Loch zwar alle auffressen, aber eigentlich viel lieber ein heller Stern sein möchte. Und wenn[...]
EAN 9783872268006
Hersteller: FidulaFon
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Deep Sleep Set: 30 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds

Hersteller: Lynen Media GmbH / EAN-Nummer: 4064066560805

Deep Sleep Set: 30 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Deep Sleep Set: 30 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds
THE ULTIMATE DEEP SLEEP SET : Relax, De-stress Or Fall Asleep To The Soothing Sounds Of Nature, Calming Guitar Or Spherical Soundscapes With Deep Theta Impulses Feel tense after a long, stressful day? Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? Be swept away to a peaceful place with theDeep Sleep Set. Your passport to NATURAL relaxation and sleep. The ONLY nature and soothing audiobook created by leading neuroscientists specializing in the use of sound and music to help reduce anxiety, stress and insomnia. VARIETY OF USES mindMAGIXX© not only helps with easy sleep by blocking out noise, but also great for concentration on study or work. Perfect for babies, kids and adults. Great for creating white noise to drown out external sounds as they slowly, gently relax you. You'll feel peace and calm wash over you as tension and stress drain away. You'll drift into restful sleep. Plus, you'll wake up refreshed next morning - without that groggy feeling you'd get with sleeping meds. WHAT YOU GET: - Over 20 hours of real nature recordings plus soothing music WITHOUT distracting sounds or annoying loops. - Professional recording quality for crisp, clean audio sound. Sounds recorded with state-of-the-art equipment and best spatial atmosphere. - Calming songbirds, calming forest sounds, calming rain and distant thunder, calming ocean waves, calming guitar, deeply relaxing ambient music. What WON'T You Get? Distractions! Your audiobook has no jarring background noises, or distracting sounds. These areprofessional, high quality audios made in Germany and unlike other offers, this program will work for you, guaranteed! Contains 30 HIGH FIDELITY SOUNDSCAPES to create a relaxing sleep environment (each lasting 15-120 minutes): •mountain source, •relaxing flute music; •ocean; •crickets; •rainstorm; •wind in the trees; •peaceful birds in the garden; •underwater soundscape; •quiet summer night, •hot springs, •soft ventilation; •autumn rain, •tropical rainforest, •smoothed whit [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 24,95 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20881125051

Deep Sleep Set: 30 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

Deep Sleep Set: 30 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds
THE ULTIMATE DEEP SLEEP SET : Relax, De-stress Or Fall Asleep To The Soothing Sounds Of Nature, Calming Guitar Or Spherical Soundscapes With Deep Theta Impulses Feel tense after a long, stressful day? Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? Be swept away to a peaceful place with theDeep Sleep Set. Your passport to NATURAL relaxation and sleep. The ONLY nature and soothing audiobook created by leading neuroscientists specializing in the use of sound and music to help reduce anxiety, stress and insomnia. VARIETY OF USES mindMAGIXX© not only helps with easy sleep by blocking out noise, but also great for concentration on study or work. Perfect for babies, kids and adults. Great for creating white noise to drown out external sounds as they slowly, gently relax you. You'll feel peace and calm wash over you as tension and stress drain away. You'll drift into restful sleep. Plus, you'll wake up refreshed next morning - without that groggy feeling you'd get with sleeping meds. WHAT YOU GET: - Over 20 hours of real nature recordings plus soothing music WITHOUT distracting sounds or annoying loops. - Professional recording quality for crisp, clean audio sound. Sounds recorded with state-of-the-art equipment and best spatial atmosphere. - Calming songbirds, calming forest sounds, calming rain and distant thunder, calming ocean waves, calming guitar, deeply relaxing ambient music. What WON'T You Get? Distractions! Your audiobook has no jarring background noises, or distracting sounds. These areprofessional, high quality audios made in Germany and unlike other offers, this program will work for you, guaranteed! Contains 30 HIGH FIDELITY SOUNDSCAPES to create a relaxing sleep environment (each lasting 15-120 minutes): •mountain source, •relaxing flute music; •ocean; •crickets; •rainstorm; •wind in the trees; •peaceful birds in the garden; •underwater soundscape; •quiet summer night, •hot springs, •soft ventilation; •autumn rain, •tropical rainforest, •smoothed whit [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 24,95 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20879889380

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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