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Als Leiche am Ufer des idyllischen Soiener Sees zu enden war wohl kaum jene bessere Zukunft, die sich die junge Frau erträumt hatte, als sie zusammen mit ihrer Mutter 1992 aus der Uckermark ins Allgäu gekommen war. Kommissar Gerhard Weinzirl, ein Mann mit[...]
EAN 9783863580360
Hersteller: Emons Verlag
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von: Thalia Ebooks
In Seeshaupt ist der Mode- und Werbefotograf Lutz Lepaysan eindeutig in zu dichten Kontakt mit seinem Stativ geraten - es traf seine Schädeldecke. Kommissar Gerhard Weinzirl ermittelt schnell, dass der Mann sein Objektiv nicht nur auf schöne Frauen richtete,[...]
EAN 9783863580315
Hersteller: Emons Verlag
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von: Thalia Ebooks
Kommissar Gerhard Weinzirl wird in die dramatisch-schöne Ruine Eisenberg gerufen: Dort liegt eine tote Frau, neben ihr eine Spritze und ein Röhrchen. Alles deutet auf einen Selbstmord der 41-jährigen Tierärztin Svenja hin. In ihrer Praxis findet sich ein[...]
EAN 9783863580353
Hersteller: Emons Verlag
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von: Thalia Ebooks
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Dr. Johanna Kennerknecht, kurz »Jo«, ist mit einer Delegation von Tourismusvertretern in der bayerischen Vertretung in Berlin eingeladen. Teil der Veranstaltung: eine Vernissage von Leonora Pia Pfaffenbichler. Allein - die Dame erlebt ihre eigene Ausstellungseröffnun[...]
EAN 9783863580346
Hersteller: Emons Verlag
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von: Thalia Ebooks
Wenn die Antwort auf einen Heiratsantrag Schweigen ist, sollte man die Tiefe der Beziehung vielleicht noch einmal überdenken. Doch dazu kommt Harper gar nicht mehr, denn sie muss dringend zur Hochzeit ihrer Schwester. Und dort überschlagen sich die Ereignisse![...]
EAN 9783862785537
Hersteller: MIRA Taschenbuch
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von: Thalia Ebooks
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Die Creeds: Wenn ein Herz nach Hause kommt
Die Creeds: Wenn ein Herz nach Hause kommt
Ein frecher Waisenjunge stellt Steven Creeds Leben auf den Kopf. Um dem kleinen Matt ein neues Zuhause zu geben, tauscht der erfolgreiche Anwalt seine Großstadt-Kanzlei gegen eine Ranch im beschaulichen Stone Creek. Als er dort[...]
EAN 9783862785612
Hersteller: MIRA Taschenbuch
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia Ebooks
Letzter Gipfel
Letzter Gipfel
GASPERLMAIER IM HÖHENRAUSCH - EIN GRANDIOSER ALPENKRIMI Der Gasperlmaier hat es nicht leicht: Ein mysteriöser Anruf führt ihn auf den Loser, wo gleich zwei Frauenleichen zu seinem neuesten Mordfall werden. Während Gasperlmaier gegen Höhenangst und seinen[...]
EAN 9783709974193
Hersteller: Haymon Verlag
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von: Thalia Ebooks

Deep Work

Hersteller: Little, Brown Book Group / EAN-Nummer: 9780349411910

Deep Work

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Deep Work
One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep Work is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world. 'Cal Newport is exceptional in the realm of self-help authors' New York Times 'Deep work' is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. Coined by author and professor Cal Newport on his popular blog Study Hacks, deep work will make you better at what you do, let you achieve more in less time and provide the sense of true fulfilment that comes from the mastery of a skill. In short, deep work is like a superpower in our increasingly competitive economy. And yet most people, whether knowledge workers in noisy open-plan offices or creatives struggling to sharpen their vision, have lost the ability to go deep - spending their days instead in a frantic blur of email and social media, not even realising there's a better way. A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories -- from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air -- and surprising suggestions, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. Put simply: developing and cultivating a deep work practice is one of the best decisions you can make in an increasingly distracted world and this book will point the way. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: eBooks

Preis: 8,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 17749554438

Deep Work

Anbieter: Thalia Bücher Medien

Deep Work
One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep Work is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world. 'Cal Newport is exceptional in the realm of self-help authors' New York Times 'Deep work' is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. Coined by author and professor Cal Newport on his popular blog Study Hacks, deep work will make you better at what you do, let you achieve more in less time and provide the sense of true fulfilment that comes from the mastery of a skill. In short, deep work is like a superpower in our increasingly competitive economy. And yet most people, whether knowledge workers in noisy open-plan offices or creatives struggling to sharpen their vision, have lost the ability to go deep - spending their days instead in a frantic blur of email and social media, not even realising there's a better way. A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories -- from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air -- and surprising suggestions, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. Put simply: developing and cultivating a deep work practice is one of the best decisions you can make in an increasingly distracted world and this book will point the way. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: eBooks

Preis: 8,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 17747855312

Deep Work

Anbieter: Thalia Ebooks

Deep Work
One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep Work is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world. 'Cal Newport is exceptional in the realm of self-help authors' New York Times 'Deep work' is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. Coined by author and professor Cal Newport on his popular blog Study Hacks, deep work will make you better at what you do, let you achieve more in less time and provide the sense of true fulfilment that comes from the mastery of a skill. In short, deep work is like a superpower in our increasingly competitive economy. And yet most people, whether knowledge workers in noisy open-plan offices or creatives struggling to sharpen their vision, have lost the ability to go deep - spending their days instead in a frantic blur of email and social media, not even realising there's a better way. A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories -- from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air -- and surprising suggestions, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. Put simply: developing and cultivating a deep work practice is one of the best decisions you can make in an increasingly distracted world and this book will point the way. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: eBooks

Preis: 8,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 17749867252

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