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Dickison, Shelia K: Cicero's Verrine Oration II.4

Hersteller: Wayne State University Press / EAN-Nummer: 9780814323823

Cicero's Verrine Oration II.4

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Cicero's Verrine Oration II.4
This text and commentary on Cicero's Verrines II.4 will guide students of Latin in translating a classical piece on political corruption in ancient Rome. Cicero's Verrine Oration II.4 is a comprehensive and versatile tool that will assist students in the early stages of reading and understanding Latin literary texts. Dickison's volume includes the complete Oxford Classical text of Cicero's Verrines II.4. Her detailed commentary provides students with generous assistance in identifying and managing difficult constructions and in recognizing forms and supplying definitions for vocabulary. When translations are given for difficult phrases, a literal rendering of the Latin is often included as a means of help. A brief summary in English of each section accompanies the commentary. A glossary of every world in the text helps students with a modest knowledge of Latin to read the text without experiencing undue frustration. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Schulbedarf

Preis: 45,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23514497176

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
de, in, the, and, of, mit, für, der, und, for, gmbh, babadada, llc, publishing, visual, white, lernen, klett, schulbuchverlag, dictionary, verlag, book, script, westermann, press, level, cornelsen, university, black, bayern, schulbedarf, von, nachschlagen, ausbildung, schule, klasse, die, schuljahr, ausgabe, arbeitsheft, deutsch, des, im, mathematik, schülerbuch, das, fachbücher, 10, lösungen, schülerband, kessinger