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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Ein- und Durchschlafen
Ein- und Durchschlafen
Gut ein- und durchschlafen zu können ist äußerst wichtig für die körperliche und seelische Gesundheit. Dieses Hörbuch bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit vom Alltag loszulassen, sich tief zu entspannen und sanft einzuschlafen[...]
EAN 9783893216383
Hersteller: Avita Media
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Leben im All
Leben im All
Kometen, Sternschnuppen und Protagonisten des Sonnensystems wie Saturn, Mars und Venus geben sich ein Stelldichein in dieser knallbunten Revue, in der das Schwarze Loch zwar alle auffressen, aber eigentlich viel lieber ein heller Stern sein möchte. Und wenn[...]
EAN 9783872268006
Hersteller: FidulaFon
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Family's Trust

Hersteller: Boldwood Books / EAN-Nummer: 9781835331378

Family's Trust

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Family's Trust
Could you trust the sister you've never met before?When tragedy brings biological sisters Jessica Williams and Reeve Elliot together, the initial shock of learning of each other's existence is quickly replaced by a commitment to be there for each other.For Reeve, it's the support she needs at a time when her life is falling apart - she's having blackouts and memory loss, exactly what her beloved late mother suffered from just a few years before.For Jess, it's a chance to find solace in family and move beyond the abandonment and trauma she experienced as a child forced to grow up in the foster care system.As the bond between the two women deepens, their relationship is tested in ways they'd never have imagined. When Jess's past comes back to haunt her, the nightmare that is Reeve's present intensifies.With a large inheritance at stake, the lines between greed and family, as well as right and wrong, begin to blur. Someone is lying. Someone is manipulating the truth. But is it one of the sisters? And - as secrets unravel, both sisters will question... who can they truly trust?A powerful, twisty emotional page turner that readers of Jodi Picoult, Amanda Prowse and Emma Robinson will love.Readers love Louise Guy:'WOW, WOW and WOW, this book is awesome what a fabulous story, truly do not miss this book. It had me turning the pages, so many thoughts going through my mind.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG; this book was riveting. Best I've read in a long time. Had my heart in my throat but just couldn't stop turning the pages.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I inhaled it. It's intense, captivating, fascinating, emotional and dynamic... completely hooking from the very first page.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Wow; what a page turner... I swear that Louise's books get more intriguing with each new release - such a brilliant storyteller!!' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG! I'm still flabbergasted at how brilliant this book is... Cleverly and masterfully written... Left me in awe... Another WO [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 22,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23738119221

Family's Trust

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

Family's Trust
Could you trust the sister you've never met before?When tragedy brings biological sisters Jessica Williams and Reeve Elliot together, the initial shock of learning of each other's existence is quickly replaced by a commitment to be there for each other.For Reeve, it's the support she needs at a time when her life is falling apart - she's having blackouts and memory loss, exactly what her beloved late mother suffered from just a few years before.For Jess, it's a chance to find solace in family and move beyond the abandonment and trauma she experienced as a child forced to grow up in the foster care system.As the bond between the two women deepens, their relationship is tested in ways they'd never have imagined. When Jess's past comes back to haunt her, the nightmare that is Reeve's present intensifies.With a large inheritance at stake, the lines between greed and family, as well as right and wrong, begin to blur. Someone is lying. Someone is manipulating the truth. But is it one of the sisters? And - as secrets unravel, both sisters will question... who can they truly trust?A powerful, twisty emotional page turner that readers of Jodi Picoult, Amanda Prowse and Emma Robinson will love.Readers love Louise Guy:'WOW, WOW and WOW, this book is awesome what a fabulous story, truly do not miss this book. It had me turning the pages, so many thoughts going through my mind.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG; this book was riveting. Best I've read in a long time. Had my heart in my throat but just couldn't stop turning the pages.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I inhaled it. It's intense, captivating, fascinating, emotional and dynamic... completely hooking from the very first page.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Wow; what a page turner... I swear that Louise's books get more intriguing with each new release - such a brilliant storyteller!!' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG! I'm still flabbergasted at how brilliant this book is... Cleverly and masterfully written... Left me in awe... Another WO [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 22,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23738421962

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
downloads, media, lust, and, house, audiobooks, medien, lübbe, von, mercurius, editions, des, publishing, de, music, hörbuch, of, folge, in, gmbh, das, und, the, verlag, die, audio, egmont, saga, der, ein