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The Tortilla Curtain
The Tortilla Curtain
T.C. Boyle's tragicomic, award-winning novel about assimilation, immigration, and the price of the American dream 'A masterpiece of contemporary social satire.' -The Wall Street Journal Topanga Canyon is home to two couples on a collision course. Los Angeles[...]
EAN 9780140238280
Hersteller: Penguin LLC US
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
Die Teilprothese
Die Teilprothese
Zum Verständnis der Teilprothese und aller anderer Formen des Zahnersatzes sind Kenntnisse der Anatomie, Histologie und Funktion des stomatognathen Systems erforderlich. Eine zweite Grundvoraussetzung sind Kenntnisse über die benutzten Werkstoffe und ihre[...]
EAN 9783937346427
Hersteller: Neuer Merkur
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
Wer die komplexen radioonkologischen Sachverhalte verstehen will, ist mit dem bewährten 'Sauer' bestens bedient: Hier finden Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen - absout praxisnah und anschaulich dargestellt: Von den Grundlagen[...]
EAN 9783437475016
Hersteller: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Kopiervorlagen für Lehrer an weiterführenden Schulen, Fächer: Religion, Philosophie, Ethik, Klasse 5-10 +++ Die Weltreligion Islam anschaulich, greifbar und lebendig: Diese Arbeitsblätter im Papphefter mit ihren kreativen und handlungsorientierten Aufgaben[...]
EAN 9783834609007
Hersteller: Verlag an der Ruhr
Bester Preis:
von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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French Frequency Dictionary - Essential Vocabulary

Hersteller: MostUsedWords.com / EAN-Nummer: 9789492637086

French Frequency Dictionary - Essential Vocabulary

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

French Frequency Dictionary - Essential Vocabulary
The Core Vocabulary of French With this book, you will learn French fast and efficiently: This book contains practical vocabulary for both spoken and written French. Intended for beginners and intermediate students, this book covers vocabulary roughly from CEFR A1 (complete beginner) to B1 (somewhat proficient). Each entry in this book contains: • English translation(s) • French to English example sentences • phonetic spelling • detailed Part of Speech information. Why Study By Frequency?: Not all words are created equal. Some words are used more than other, and are thus more valuable to know. The secret to becoming fluent fast in a language, is by learning the right vocabulary. Studies have shown that the most used 2.500 words account for 92% of all spoken French, and 82% of all written French text. How Much Vocabulary Do You Need To Know? While it's important to note it's impossible to pin down these numbers and statistics with 100% accuracy, these are a global average of multiple sources. According to scientific research, this is the amount of vocabulary needed for varying levels of fluency: • 250 words: the essential core of a language. Without these words, you cannot construct sentences. • 750 words: those that are used every single day by every person who speaks the language. • 2500 words: those that should enable you to express everything you could possibly want to say, although some creativity might be required. • 5000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers without higher education. You will understand 95% of all written texts. • 10,000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers with higher education. • 20,000 words: the amount you need to recognize passively in order to read, understand, and enjoy a work of literature such as a novel by a notable author. Keeping above facts in mind, the value of a frequency dictionary is immense. What is Inside This Book? A frequency list of the most frequently used French words, based on analysis of 20 gigaby [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Schulbedarf

Preis: 41,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23514498136

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of, for, der, und, the, and, in, de, lernen, studium, la, en, fachbücher, des, die, von, on, schulbedarf, et, erwachsenenbildung, del, di, da, el, to, im, na, le, division, university, nachschlagen, klett, verlag, black, white, babadada, gmbh, publishing, llc, visual, schulbuchverlag, kessinger, dictionary, mit, press, script, westermann, book, level, cornelsen, für, kumar