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Wallwork, Adrian: CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn
Wallwork, Adrian: CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn
Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Are you simply looking for a new job in the private or public sector, in research or industry? If your aim is to produce a professional CV or resume, then this book is for you.[...]
EAN 9781493906468
Bester Preis:
19,35€ (+2.00)
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Wallace, Alfred Russell: The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct F
Wallace, Alfred Russell: The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct F
The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas[...]
EAN 9781446081464
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

Hagos, Ted: Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin

EAN-Nummer: 9781484239063

Hagos, Ted: Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin

Anbieter: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

Hagos, Ted: Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin
Build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) with which Android developers can now use the Kotlin programming language. With this book, yoüll learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part. Along the way, yoüll use Android Studio to develop apps tier by tier through practical examples. These examples cover core Android topics such as Activities, Intents, BroadcastReceivers, Services and AsyncTask. Then, yoüll learn how to publish your apps and sell them online and in the Google Play store. What Yoüll Learn Use Android Studio 3 to quickly and confidently build your first Android apps Build an Android user interface using activities and layouts, event handling, images, menus and the action bar Incorporate new elements including fragments Learn how data is persisted Use Kotlin to build apps Who This Book Is For Those who may be new to Android Studio 3 or Android Studio in general. You may or may not be new to Android development in general. Some prior experience with Java is also recommended. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen > Schule & Ausbildung

Preis: 47,06 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23764714800

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
ausbildung, for, unternehmen, anonymous, to, zur, das, als, en, auf, et, management, la, für, im, fachbücher, des, of, die, the, von, de, and, der, und, in, schule, nachschlagen, lernen, bei