How to make the best coffee at home von James Hoffmann
Hersteller: Zeitfracht / EAN-Nummer: 9781784727246
Anbieter: Medimops (gebrauchtes)
How to make the best coffee at home
Brand : OCTOPUS PUBLISHING, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Octopus Publishing Ltd., Publisher : Octopus Publishing Ltd., Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2022-10-04, releaseDate : 2022-10-04, authors : James Hoffmann, ISBN : 1784727245
Preis: 15,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 1,99 Euro)
ID: 23909581536
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
How to make the best coffee at home
We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn't that be just as good? Coffee guru James Hoffmann runs Square Mile Coffee, as well as creating extremely informative, and popular, kit and coffee reviews for his YouTube and Instagram channels. In his latest book he demonstrates everything you need to know to make consistently excellent coffee at home, including: what kit is worth buying, and what isn't; how to grind coffee; the basics of brewing for all major equipment (cafetiere, aeropress, stovetop etc); understanding coffee drinks, from the cortado to latte; the perfect espresso; and taking it to the next level - home roasting.
Preis: 17,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 20236689832
Anbieter: Thalia Bücher Medien
How to make the best coffee at home
We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn't that be just as good? Coffee guru James Hoffmann runs Square Mile Coffee, as well as creating extremely informative, and popular, kit and coffee reviews for his YouTube and Instagram channels. In his latest book he demonstrates everything you need to know to make consistently excellent coffee at home, including: what kit is worth buying, and what isn't; how to grind coffee; the basics of brewing for all major equipment (cafetiere, aeropress, stovetop etc); understanding coffee drinks, from the cortado to latte; the perfect espresso; and taking it to the next level - home roasting.
Preis: 17,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 20427401187
Anbieter: Coffee Circle
How to make the best coffee at home von James Hoffmann
Wir alle erwarten, dass wir eine ausgezeichnete Tasse Kaffee in einem der vielen hervorragenden Coffeeshops kaufen können. Aber was ist mit dem Kaffee, den wir zu Hause zubereiten? Sollte der nicht genauso gut sein? * Welches Kaffeezubehör ist es wert, gekauft zu werden & welches nicht? * Wie mahlt man Kaffee? * Die Grundlagen des Brühens für die beliebtesten Zubereiter * Hardcover * In englischer Sprache
Preis: 21,80 Euro (+ Versandkosten 4,90 Euro)
ID: 21547861019
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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