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Minimally Invasive Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Recent years have witnessed a trend toward the use of minimally invasive techniques in all areas of orthopedic surgery, including hip replacement. This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide[...]
EAN 9783642008962
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Frontmatter -- Autorenverzeichnis -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- 1 Grundlagen psychogener Erkrankungen -- 2 Neurosen -- 3 Psychosomatische Krankheiten -- 4 Methoden der Psychotherapie -- 5 Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie[...]
EAN 9783110144987
Hersteller: De Gruyter
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Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Conformal radiation therapy represents a new challenge. It offers the prospect of either increasing the radiation dose to target tissues while delivering a[...]
EAN 9783540413806
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures
Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures
This updated and expanded third edition of this successful work includes a new, comprehensive introduction to the recursive Green's function technique applied to model solid state nanostructures[...]
EAN 9783527409327
Hersteller: Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH
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Scala für Umsteiger
Scala für Umsteiger
Scala ist eine elegante, ausdrucksstarke Programmiersprache, die sich in letzter Zeit zunehmender Beliebtheit und Verbreitung erfreut. Sie besteht im Kern aus relativ wenigen, klaren Konzepten, die elegant zusammenspielen und einen "runden" Eindruck[...]
EAN 9783486596939
Hersteller: Friedrich Esser
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Structural Complexity Management
Structural Complexity Management
Product design is characterized by a steady increase in complexity. The main focus of this book is a structural approach on complexity management. This means, system structures are considered in order to address the challenge[...]
EAN 9783540878889
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Chemistry Education
Chemistry Education
This comprehensive collection of top-level contributions provides a thorough review of the vibrant field of chemistry education. Highly-experienced chemistry professors and education experts cover the latest developments in chemistry learning and teaching,[...]
EAN 9783527336050
Hersteller: Wiley-VCH
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"I am the Smartest Man I Know"

Hersteller: - / EAN-Nummer: 9789813109186

"I am the Smartest Man I Know"

Anbieter: Studibuch-Shop-G

"I am the Smartest Man I Know"
A unique individual with a fascinating life story, Ivar Giaever is a scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Experimental Physics in 1973. In his own words, Giaever relates an absorbing tale of how important luck and good fortune have been in shaping his life. He narrates the story of an ordinary childhood in Norway and an unremarkable undergraduate career at university. After finishing his engineering degree, he served in the Norwegian army and married his childhood sweetheart, Inger Skramstad. His desire to make a better life for his new family led Ivar to Canada and then to the United States. Even without an advanced degree in a scientific field, Ivar was given the opportunity to work with cutting-edge scientific researchers at General Electric R&D in Schenectady, New York. While there, he completed his PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - one of the United States' oldest technological universities. His work on superconductivity led to worldwide recognition and the Nobel Prize. This memoire is more than the story of an accomplished, world-renowned scientist: it is an engaging reminiscence of an independent, highly creative thinker and problem solver who loves games and puzzles, skiing and windsurfing, and time with friends and family. Dr Ivar Giaever's fascinating story intertwines his views on the nature of science, scientific processes, contemporary issues such as global warming, and the great benefits the Nobel Prize has afforded him. Written with humor and often tongue-in-cheek, "I am the Smartest Man I know" is one man's meditation on science, intellectual inquiry, and life itself. von Giaever, Ivar [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Entertainment > Books

Preis: 1,19 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 22678292923

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
books, des, den, edition, to, de, co, publishing, band, eine, zur, springer, press, ein, im, entertainment, von, and, mit, das, of, für, gmbh, the, in, die, der, und, verlag, wiley