Kent, Simon: New Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook
Hersteller: Pearson Studium / EAN-Nummer: 9781447948292
Anbieter: Studibuch-Shop-G
New Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook
Das "New Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook" von Simon Kent ist ein Englisch-Lehrbuch, das speziell für Lernende auf mittlerem Niveau entwickelt wurde. Es zielt darauf ab, sowohl die Sprachkenntnisse als auch die Kommunikationsfähigkeiten der Lernenden zu verbessern. Das Buch ist in thematische Einheiten unterteilt, die relevante und aktuelle Themen behandeln. Jede Einheit enthält eine Mischung aus Lese-, Schreib-, Hör- und Sprechübungen, die durch authentische Materialien ergänzt werden. Zudem fördert das Buch kritisches Denken und Diskussionen über globale Themen. Grammatik- und Wortschatzübungen sind ebenfalls integriert, um den Lernenden eine umfassende Sprachentwicklung zu ermöglichen.
Preis: 8,70 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24259806022
Anbieter: Averdo
Kent, Simon: New Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world. The Intermediate Level = CEFR: B1 - B1+ | GSE: 42 - 57 In every book you will find 12 units divided into relevant sections, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. Exam practice is embedded at the end of each unit to prepare students for high-stakes tests like IELTS and PTE Academic. Every lesson in New Language Leader has a scenario with a case study and “Meet the Expert” video or a Study Skills section with skills videos to support students in tertiary education: 'Meet the Expert” aspirational videos with leading professionals in different fields stretch students’ ability to understand real-life English. Experts act as role models and inspire students to work harder. Study Skills videos teach your students how to do their best in academic studies. They give advice on how to better understand lectures, take notes, participate in discussions and give many other useful academic tips. [...]
Preis: 36,20 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24416545597
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
New Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world. The Intermediate Level = CEFR: B1 - B1+ | GSE: 42 - 57 In every book you will find 12 units divided into relevant sections, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. Exam practice is embedded at the end of each unit to prepare students for high-stakes tests like IELTS and PTE Academic. Every lesson in New Language Leader has a scenario with a case study and “Meet the Expert” video or a Study Skills section with skills videos to support students in tertiary education: 'Meet the Expert” aspirational videos with leading professionals in different fields stretch students’ ability to understand real-life English. Experts act as role models and inspire students to work harder. Study Skills videos teach your students how to do their best in academic studies. They give advice on how to better understand lectures, take notes, participate in discussions and give many other useful academic tips. [...]
Preis: 38,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 15873364848
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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