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Sudelhefte Rumpelbuch
Sudelhefte Rumpelbuch
Sudelhefte: Tagebuch I (1958-1961) / Tagebuch II (1962) / Tagebuch III (1963-1965) / Tagebuch IV (1969-1971) Rumpelbuch: Albumblätter / Die Geschichten vom weisen Joachim / Interlakner Tagebuch (1959) / Geschichten mit Titel[...]
EAN 9783729608290
Hersteller: Zytglogge AG
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Handbook of Alien Species in Europe
Handbook of Alien Species in Europe
Biological invasions by alien (non-native) species are widely recognized as a significant component of human-caused global environmental change and the second most important cause of biodiversity decline. Alien species threaten[...]
EAN 9781402082795
Hersteller: Springer Netherlands
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Conformal radiation therapy represents a new challenge. It offers the prospect of either increasing the radiation dose to target tissues while delivering a[...]
EAN 9783540413806
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Elementary Particle Physics.Vol.1: Quantum Field Theory and Particles. Vorwort: Nambu, Yoichiro
Elementary Particle Physics.Vol.1: Quantum Field Theory and Particles. Vorwort: Nambu, Yoichiro
"Elementary Particle Physics. Vol.1: Quantum Field Theory and Particles" ist ein grundlegendes Lehrbuch, das von Yoichiro[...]
EAN 9783527409624
Hersteller: Wiley-VCH
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
Structural Complexity Management
Structural Complexity Management
Product design is characterized by a steady increase in complexity. The main focus of this book is a structural approach on complexity management. This means, system structures are considered in order to address the challenge[...]
EAN 9783540878889
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Android Quick APIs Reference
Android Quick APIs Reference
The Android Quick APIs Reference is a condensed code and APIs reference for the new Google Android 5.0 SDK. It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won't find[...]
EAN 9781484205242
Hersteller: Apress
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis

Hersteller: Springer International Publishing / EAN-Nummer: 9783030958756

Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis

Anbieter: Studibuch-Shop-G

Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic struck unexpectedly, posing unprecedented challenges around the world. At the same time, this crisis also offers a unique opportunity for reflection, research, and insight regarding this and similar global and domestic crises. There is much to be learned from analysing the effects of the crisis. It provides a chance for a fresh scholarly examination of important aspects of legal regulation, policymaking, and more. This volume pursues these questions from a broad range of Law and Economics perspectives and is divided into two parts. The first part examines the immediate impact of and responses to the coronavirus crisis, while the second explores the future possibilities that scholarly analysis of this crisis can offer. As to the immediate impact and responses, questions of compliance with regulations and safety measures, nudging and decision-making with regard to the coronavirus crisis are examined from the perspective of behavioural economics. In addition, the short- and long-term effects of various emergency policy responses on contract law are studied. Current issues and challenges like the regulation of internet platforms, excessive pricing, the right to adequate food, risk and loss allocation, as well as remote learning and examinations, which have been impacted, brought about, complicated or aggravated by the coronavirus crisis, are analysed in depth. Lastly, future possibilities in the areas of data access rights, economic instability and the balance between political-economic interests and social interests, patenting, food labels and open data are illustrated. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Entertainment > Books

Preis: 12,11 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 21718674748

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
gmbh, de, mit, für, to, des, das, von, im, die, der, in, and, of, the, und, zur, verlag, ein, press, springer, den, band, eine, publishing, edition, wiley, books, entertainment, bücher, life, thomas, an, michael, en, on, babadada, zeitschriften, john, white, black, for, la, co