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Akute Notfallsituationen stellen Pflegende vor besondere Herausforderungen. Gerade alte Menschen, bei denen sich bestehende Erkrankungen akut zuspitzen oder plötzlich eintretende Ereignisse wie z.B. ein Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand[...]
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Martin, Andrew: The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4

Hersteller: Chess Base / EAN-Nummer: 9783866814394

Martin, Andrew: The wicked Veresov Attack -  A tricky Opening with 1.d4

Anbieter: Averdo

Martin, Andrew: The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4
The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software > Hobbys & Freizeit

Preis: 19,69 Euro (+ Versandkosten 2,00 Euro)

ID: 17613373129

The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4

Anbieter: Thalia Software

The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4
Andrew Martin: The wicked Veresov Attack A tricky Opening with 1.d4 The Veresov ( 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Bg5) is little-played and understood when we compare it to other queen's pawn openings, like the Trompowsky, Torre Attack and London system. As such it can be a very dangerous weapon in the right hands. Very few club or amateur players will be properly prepared to play against it. The Veresov is an attacking opening, based on quick minor-piece development followed by effective pawn levers to open the game. Many strong grandmasters have used the Veresov as a surprise weapon, including Spassky, Tal, Bronstein,Alburt and Gufeld. Modern exponents include Miladinovic and Jonny Hector,with whom the Veresov is a special favourite. On this all-new ChessBase DVD Andrew Martin introduces the opening and discusses how the main themes work. After that comes a selection of repertoire choices. Finally,there is a quiz, where you may test yourself about what you have learned. This DVD is an ideal introduction to this opening for players below 2000 or busy players who would like to play aggressive chess, but do not have time to learn the main lines. The Veresov is worth studying and playing! . Video running time: 4 hours 24 min. (English) . with interactive training including video feedback . Database with 50 essentials games . Including CB 12 Reader Andrew Martin (born 18th May 1957 in West Ham, London) is an English chess player with the title of international master. Martin has won various national and international tournaments. He has been playing for years in the Four Nations Chess League, at present (July 2009) for Wood Green Hilsmark Kingfisher, previously for the Camberley Chess Club. Martin received his title as international master in 1984. He earned his first grandmaster norm in the British Championship of 1997 in Brighton. Martin was a commentator on the chess world championship between Kasparov and Kramnik in 2000. Martin is known as a professional chess teacher and hea [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 21,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 3,95 Euro)

ID: 22847870494

The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

The wicked Veresov Attack - A tricky Opening with 1.d4
Andrew Martin: The wicked Veresov Attack A tricky Opening with 1.d4 The Veresov ( 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Bg5) is little-played and understood when we compare it to other queen's pawn openings, like the Trompowsky, Torre Attack and London system. As such it can be a very dangerous weapon in the right hands. Very few club or amateur players will be properly prepared to play against it. The Veresov is an attacking opening, based on quick minor-piece development followed by effective pawn levers to open the game. Many strong grandmasters have used the Veresov as a surprise weapon, including Spassky, Tal, Bronstein,Alburt and Gufeld. Modern exponents include Miladinovic and Jonny Hector,with whom the Veresov is a special favourite. On this all-new ChessBase DVD Andrew Martin introduces the opening and discusses how the main themes work. After that comes a selection of repertoire choices. Finally,there is a quiz, where you may test yourself about what you have learned. This DVD is an ideal introduction to this opening for players below 2000 or busy players who would like to play aggressive chess, but do not have time to learn the main lines. The Veresov is worth studying and playing! . Video running time: 4 hours 24 min. (English) . with interactive training including video feedback . Database with 50 essentials games . Including CB 12 Reader Andrew Martin (born 18th May 1957 in West Ham, London) is an English chess player with the title of international master. Martin has won various national and international tournaments. He has been playing for years in the Four Nations Chess League, at present (July 2009) for Wood Green Hilsmark Kingfisher, previously for the Camberley Chess Club. Martin received his title as international master in 1984. He earned his first grandmaster norm in the British Championship of 1997 in Brighton. Martin was a commentator on the chess world championship between Kasparov and Kramnik in 2000. Martin is known as a professional chess teacher and hea [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 21,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 3,95 Euro)

ID: 22848301927

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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