Hersteller: Verlag Henle / EAN-Nummer: 9790201802336
Anbieter: Averdo
Chopin, Frédéric: Chopin, Frédéric - Nocturnes
Immer wieder gelang es Chopin, Gattungen der Klaviermusik eine ganz individuelle Gestalt zu verleihen, seien es Etüden, Préludes, Walzer, Scherzi oder Nocturnes. Der Ire John Field hatte bereits über 20 Nocturnes komponiert, die vermutlich einen starken Einfluss auf Chopin ausübten. Dieser entwickelte den luftigen, am Gesang orientierten Klaviersatz weiter und schuf Werke, die man mit ihrer träumerischen, sehnsuchtsvollen Stimmung zum Inbegriff Chopin'scher Musik wurden. Unser Band enthält sowohl die zu Lebzeiten Chopins als auch die erst postum veröffentlichen Werke, darunter auch - in zwei authentischen Fassungen - das berühmte Lento con gran espressione cis-moll.
Preis: 40,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 23232031515
Anbieter: Notenbuch
Nocturne b-moll op 9/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne Es-Dur op 9/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne H-Dur op 9/3 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne Fis-Dur op 15/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne g-moll op 15/3 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne Des-Dur op 27/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne As-Dur op 32/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne G-Dur op 37/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne fis-moll op 48/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne Es-Dur op 55/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne E-Dur op 62/2 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne cis-moll KK 4a 16 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne F-Dur op 15/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne e-moll op 72/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne H-Dur op 62/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne f-moll op 55/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne c-moll op 48/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne g-moll op 37/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne H-Dur op 32/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne cis-moll op 27/1 / Chopin Frederic|Nocturne c-moll KK 4b/8 / Chopin Frederic [...]
Preis: 40,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 14258643004
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
Frédéric Chopin - Nocturnes
Time and again, Chopin succeeded in giving different piano music genres their own individual characters, whether etudes, preludes, waltzes, scherzi or nocturnes. The Irishman John Field had already composed over 20 nocturnes, which presumably greatly influenced Chopin. The latter continued to develop the light, song-like piano writing and created works whose dreamy, longing atmosphere came to embody Chopin’s music. Our volume contains the works that were published during Chopin’s lifetime as well as ones which were only published posthumously, including the famous Lento con gran espressione in c sharp minor – in two authentic versions.
Preis: 40,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 15873025203
Anbieter: Thalia Deutsch
Frédéric Chopin - Nocturnes
Time and again, Chopin succeeded in giving different piano music genres their own individual characters, whether etudes, preludes, waltzes, scherzi or nocturnes. The Irishman John Field had already composed over 20 nocturnes, which presumably greatly influenced Chopin. The latter continued to develop the light, song-like piano writing and created works whose dreamy, longing atmosphere came to embody Chopin’s music. Our volume contains the works that were published during Chopin’s lifetime as well as ones which were only published posthumously, including the famous Lento con gran espressione in c sharp minor – in two authentic versions.
Preis: 40,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 16561480899
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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