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Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Frontmatter -- Autorenverzeichnis -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- 1 Grundlagen psychogener Erkrankungen -- 2 Neurosen -- 3 Psychosomatische Krankheiten -- 4 Methoden der Psychotherapie -- 5 Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie[...]
EAN 9783110144987
Hersteller: De Gruyter
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures
Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures
This updated and expanded third edition of this successful work includes a new, comprehensive introduction to the recursive Green's function technique applied to model solid state nanostructures[...]
EAN 9783527409327
Hersteller: Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
Scala für Umsteiger
Scala für Umsteiger
Scala ist eine elegante, ausdrucksstarke Programmiersprache, die sich in letzter Zeit zunehmender Beliebtheit und Verbreitung erfreut. Sie besteht im Kern aus relativ wenigen, klaren Konzepten, die elegant zusammenspielen und einen "runden" Eindruck[...]
EAN 9783486596939
Hersteller: De Gruyter
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NMR - From Spectra to Structures
NMR - From Spectra to Structures
This practice-oriented textbook shows how to utilize the huge variety of NMR experiments available today in addition to standard experiments. Intended as a practical guide for students and laboratory personnel, it treats theoretical[...]
EAN 9783540721956
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Structural Complexity Management
Structural Complexity Management
Product design is characterized by a steady increase in complexity. The main focus of this book is a structural approach on complexity management. This means, system structures are considered in order to address the challenge[...]
EAN 9783540878889
Hersteller: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Chemistry Education
Chemistry Education
This comprehensive collection of top-level contributions provides a thorough review of the vibrant field of chemistry education. Highly-experienced chemistry professors and education experts cover the latest developments in chemistry learning and teaching,[...]
EAN 9783527336050
Hersteller: Wiley-VCH
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
Lebensqualität in der stationären Altenpflege mit INSEL
Lebensqualität in der stationären Altenpflege mit INSEL
Lebensqualität im Pflegeheim - ein Widerspruch? Und wie lässt sie sich erfassen? Das Buch, das gemeinsam von der Keppler-Stiftung und Alternsforschern der Universitäten Heidelberg und Frankfurt[...]
EAN 9783643121226
Hersteller: LIT Verlag
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Personality Capture and Emulation
Personality Capture and Emulation
Personality Capture and Emulation is the gateway to an amazing future that actually may be achieved, enabling the preservation and simulation of human personalities at progressively higher levels of fidelity. This challenge is[...]
EAN 9781447156031
Hersteller: Springer London
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G

Op't Land, Martin: Enterprise Architecture

Hersteller: Springer / EAN-Nummer: 9783540852315

Enterprise Architecture

Anbieter: Studibuch-Shop-G

Enterprise Architecture
This book is positioned as a rst in a series of books on enterprise architecture needed for a Master of Enterprise Architecture program, and is targeted both at university students and practitioners with a drive to increase their understanding of these elds. As an introductory book, this book aims to explore the concept of enterprise architecture. At rst glance, writing such an introductory book might seem as a straight forward task of setting up a structure and lling in ¿the blanks. ¿ However, writing this book turned out to be a pleasant journey of discovery. Based on our past experiences, each of us had a clear understanding of enterprise architecture, based on several years of experience and insight in the eld. However, when we started writing this book, and each of us exposed our individual understandings, it became apparent that our understanding of the eld differed in several ways. This prompted several discussions leading to an abundance of new insights. Without exception, thesediscussionstookplaceina pleasantandopenatmosphere,fueledbyourshared driveforunderstandingandincreasedinsight. Wearenowevenmoreconvincedthan before, that the eld enterprise architecture is a true multi-disciplinary profession. In the resulting book, we would like to share our insights, while also hoping to continue our discussions, now also involving you as a reader. We also realise that the journey is still far from complete. While this introductory book provides an overview of the eld of enterprise architecture from the perspective of our insights, many aspects need further re nement. von Op't Land, Martin;Proper, Erik;Steghuis, Claudia;Cloo, Jeroen;Waage, Maarten; [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Entertainment > Books

Preis: 32,04 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23561543845

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