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Akute Notfallsituationen stellen Pflegende vor besondere Herausforderungen. Gerade alte Menschen, bei denen sich bestehende Erkrankungen akut zuspitzen oder plötzlich eintretende Ereignisse wie z.B. ein Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand[...]
EAN 9783899932300
Hersteller: Schlütersche Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
:Das elektronische Fachwörterbuch Auslandsprojekte ist für alle unentbehrlich, die im Auslandsbau mit fremdsprachigen Bauunternehmen, Bauherren oder Fachingenieuren auf Englisch kommunizieren[...]
EAN 9783834808837
Hersteller: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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CESAR home Lesen 1
CESAR home Lesen 1
12 unabhänige Lernspiele die die Kompetenzenfür Raum-Lage, Identifizieren von Buchstaben, Lautanalyse- und Syntheseprozesse sowei Lese-Sinn-Verstämdnis trainieren. Für Kinder der ersten und zweiten Klasse geeigent sowie für LRS-Kinder auch in der dritten[...]
EAN 9783933651112
Hersteller: Ces Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Fortsetzung der erfolgreichen CD-ROM Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1. Durch sie wird Tommys Welt größer! Der Wortschatz der Kinder kann um mehr als 500 Einzelgebärden und viele Sätze in Deutscher Gebärdensprache und Lautsprachbegleitenden[...]
EAN 9783981200409
Hersteller: Karin Kestner GmbH
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Wunderschöne Illustrationen zeigen Tommys Welt, sein Haus, den Garten, den Wald, die Schule, die Stadt, den Zoo, seine Gefühle und vieles mehr. In jedem dieser Bilder können eine Vielzahl von einzelnen Begriffen gelernt werden[...]
EAN 9783981070996
Hersteller: Verlag Karin Kestner
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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PCIM Asia 2021

Hersteller: Vde Verlag / EAN-Nummer: 9783800756209

PCIM Asia 2021

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

PCIM Asia 2021
Researchers, application engineers and experts from industry and academia will meet to discuss and exchange ideas on future digital energy systems, advanced smart power converters, energy efficiency by applying the next generation of power devices, new materials for chip interfacing technologies and proper power module designs considering all parasitcs including extended lifetime for power devices. I am very happy that this year we are having an outstanding high level technical program in complimentary to 3 leading experts for keynote presentations, one tutorial, one special session on multilevel topologies in addition to one dedicated session on selected topics from the PCIM Europe digital days 2021. Companies are eager to utilize the PCIM Asia for launching new products in the market and leading scientists are presenting their latest research achievements for power electronic components, building blocks and systems. Decision makers from companies use the PCIM Asia platform to generate new market segments and trigger future research directions. The driving targets for power conversion systems are weight-, volume- and cost reduction along with an increase in life-time. Product innovations will be a focus at PCIM Asia Conference this year The new generation of wide bandgap devices are covering a wide power range and showing a high maturity level in terms of ruggedness and reliability. An exciting technical program compiled is addressing the next generation of power devices with a strong focus on wide bandgap material and the latest research results on advanced digital controlled power converters for industry and automotive applications. Highlights of important development trends Definitely an exciting discussion will come up of how to manage the ultrafast switching devices with extremely high power density in terms of circuit parasitics and thermal management. In the keynote presentations this year, we are highlighting energy digitalization, power density and efficie [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 77,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20228405654

PCIM Asia 2021

Anbieter: Thalia Software

PCIM Asia 2021
Researchers, application engineers and experts from industry and academia will meet to discuss and exchange ideas on future digital energy systems, advanced smart power converters, energy efficiency by applying the next generation of power devices, new materials for chip interfacing technologies and proper power module designs considering all parasitcs including extended lifetime for power devices. I am very happy that this year we are having an outstanding high level technical program in complimentary to 3 leading experts for keynote presentations, one tutorial, one special session on multilevel topologies in addition to one dedicated session on selected topics from the PCIM Europe digital days 2021. Companies are eager to utilize the PCIM Asia for launching new products in the market and leading scientists are presenting their latest research achievements for power electronic components, building blocks and systems. Decision makers from companies use the PCIM Asia platform to generate new market segments and trigger future research directions. The driving targets for power conversion systems are weight-, volume- and cost reduction along with an increase in life-time. Product innovations will be a focus at PCIM Asia Conference this year The new generation of wide bandgap devices are covering a wide power range and showing a high maturity level in terms of ruggedness and reliability. An exciting technical program compiled is addressing the next generation of power devices with a strong focus on wide bandgap material and the latest research results on advanced digital controlled power converters for industry and automotive applications. Highlights of important development trends Definitely an exciting discussion will come up of how to manage the ultrafast switching devices with extremely high power density in terms of circuit parasitics and thermal management. In the keynote presentations this year, we are highlighting energy digitalization, power density and efficie [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 77,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20233534922

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
software, university, chessbase, wiley, media, 2022, 2023, schulbuchverlag, die, fb, dvd, and, cambridge, in, klett, verlag, schroedel, press, der, für, und, the, ausgabe, vde, base, chess, gmbh, cd, rom, of