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Loiter, William: Modern Dance Movement - For Beginners and Experienced Teachers - How to Learn to Dance and Teach the Mo
Loiter, William: Modern Dance Movement - For Beginners and Experienced Teachers - How to Learn to Dance and Teach the Mo
Modern Dance Movement - For Beginners and Experienced Teachers - How to Learn to Dance and Teach the[...]
EAN 9781445513492
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)
Various: Easy Instructor Series - How to Dance - The Latest and Most Complete Instructions in Ballroom Dance Steps
Various: Easy Instructor Series - How to Dance - The Latest and Most Complete Instructions in Ballroom Dance Steps
Easy Instructor Series - How to Dance - The Latest and Most Complete Instructions in Ballroom Dance Steps
EAN 9781445515403
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

Righteous, Innime: Zdorow'e i äkologicheskie problemy, swqzannye s nawodneniqmi w rekah

EAN-Nummer: 9786205599815

Righteous, Innime: Zdorow'e i äkologicheskie problemy, swqzannye s nawodneniqmi w rekah

Anbieter: Averdo (Allrounder 2)

Righteous, Innime: Zdorow'e i äkologicheskie problemy, swqzannye s nawodneniqmi w rekah
Nawodnenie naneslo neskol'ko uscherbow okruzhaüschej srede. Ono priwelo k gibeli lüdej, infekcionnym zabolewaniqm, ärozii, golodu, peremescheniü predpriqtij, peremescheniü zhilyh domow, osusheniü sel'skohozqjstwennyh ugodij i rynkow. Topografiq shtata Riwers delaet ego podwerzhennym negatiwnomu wozdejstwiü potokow izbytochnoj wody, pytaüschejsq najti swoj put' w Atlanticheskij okean.Nawodneniq qwlqütsq naibolee rasprostranennym stihijnym bedstwiem w mire, proishodqschim pochti wo wseh stranah, raspolozhennyh w pribrezhnom regione w poslednee desqtiletie. Nawodneniq imeüt obshirnye i znachitel'nye posledstwiq dlq zdorow'q, ohwatywaüschie kratkosrochnye i dolgosrochnye periody i war'iruüschiesq ot utopleniq i trawm do infekcionnyh zabolewanij i problem s psihicheskim zdorow'em (VOZ, 2011), odnako za poslednie 10 let w rezul'tate nawodnenij pogibli 1000 chelowek i postradali bolee 3,4 milliona. Dwe treti takih smertej proishodqt ot utopleniq, a ostal'nye - ot fizicheskih trawm, serdechnyh pristupow, porazheniq älektricheskim tokom, otrawleniq ugarnym gazom i pozharow. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Antiquitäten & Kunst > Antiquarische Bücher

Preis: 15,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 2,00 Euro)

ID: 23765382115

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
kunst, for, an, history, anon, la, how, das, des, da, on, dances, art, die, von, bücher, ballroom, to, dancing, und, der, de, dance, of, in, and, the, antiquitäten, antiquarische, guide