Schmidt, Alvin J.: How Christianity Changed the World
Hersteller: Zondervan / EAN-Nummer: 9780310264491
Anbieter: Studibuch-Shop-G
How Christianity Changed the World
A survey of the various ways--often unrecognized and overlooked--whereby Christianity has impacted the world, making the world a better place and enriching our everyday living. Formerly titled Under the Influence. von Schmidt, Alvin J.
Preis: 1,10 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 22736462210
Anbieter: Averdo
Schmidt, Alvin J.: How Christianity Changed the World
How Christianity Changed the World
Preis: 27,04 Euro (+ Versandkosten 2,00 Euro)
ID: 23231661755
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