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Akute Notfallsituationen stellen Pflegende vor besondere Herausforderungen. Gerade alte Menschen, bei denen sich bestehende Erkrankungen akut zuspitzen oder plötzlich eintretende Ereignisse wie z.B. ein Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand[...]
EAN 9783899932300
Hersteller: Schlütersche Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
:Das elektronische Fachwörterbuch Auslandsprojekte ist für alle unentbehrlich, die im Auslandsbau mit fremdsprachigen Bauunternehmen, Bauherren oder Fachingenieuren auf Englisch kommunizieren[...]
EAN 9783834808837
Hersteller: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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CESAR home Lesen 1
CESAR home Lesen 1
12 unabhänige Lernspiele die die Kompetenzenfür Raum-Lage, Identifizieren von Buchstaben, Lautanalyse- und Syntheseprozesse sowei Lese-Sinn-Verstämdnis trainieren. Für Kinder der ersten und zweiten Klasse geeigent sowie für LRS-Kinder auch in der dritten[...]
EAN 9783933651112
Hersteller: Ces Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Fortsetzung der erfolgreichen CD-ROM Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1. Durch sie wird Tommys Welt größer! Der Wortschatz der Kinder kann um mehr als 500 Einzelgebärden und viele Sätze in Deutscher Gebärdensprache und Lautsprachbegleitenden[...]
EAN 9783981200409
Hersteller: Karin Kestner GmbH
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Wunderschöne Illustrationen zeigen Tommys Welt, sein Haus, den Garten, den Wald, die Schule, die Stadt, den Zoo, seine Gefühle und vieles mehr. In jedem dieser Bilder können eine Vielzahl von einzelnen Begriffen gelernt werden[...]
EAN 9783981070996
Hersteller: Verlag Karin Kestner
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Sixth International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2019)

Hersteller: VDE / EAN-Nummer: 9783800750450

Sixth International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2019)

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Sixth International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2019)
The aim of this workshop is to make FPGA and reconfigurable technology accessible to software programmers.Despite their frequently proven power and performance benefits, designing for FPGAs is mostly an engineering discipline carried out by highly trained specialists.With recent progress in high-level synthesis, a first important step towards bringing FPGA technology to potentially millions of software developers was taken. The FSP Workshop aims at bringing researchers and experts from both academia and industry together to discuss and exchange the latest research advances and future trends.This includes high-level compilation and languages, design automation tools that raise the abstraction level when designing for (heterogeneous) FPGAs and reconfigurable systems and standardized targetplatforms.This will in particular put focus on the requirements of software developers and application engineers.In addition, a distinctive feature of the workshop will be its cross section through all design levels, ranging from programming down to custom hardware.Thus, the workshop is targeting all those who are interested in understanding the big picture and the potential of domain-specific computing and software-driven FPGA development.In addition, the FSP Workshop shall facilitate collaboration of the different domains. Topics of the FSP Workshop include, but are not limited to: • High-level synthesis (HLS) and domain-specific languages (DSLs) for FPGAs and heterogeneous systems • Mapping approaches and tools for heterogeneous FPGAs • Support of hard IP blocks such as embedded processors and memory interfaces • Development environments for software engineers (automated tool flows, design frameworks and tools, tool interaction) • FPGA virtualization (design for portability, resource sharing, hardware abstraction) • Design automation technologies for multi-FPGA and heterogeneous systems • Methods for leveraging (partial) dynamic reconfiguration to increase performance, flexibility [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 26,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 3,95 Euro)

ID: 20228406110

Sixth International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2019)

Anbieter: Thalia Software

Sixth International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2019)
The aim of this workshop is to make FPGA and reconfigurable technology accessible to software programmers.Despite their frequently proven power and performance benefits, designing for FPGAs is mostly an engineering discipline carried out by highly trained specialists.With recent progress in high-level synthesis, a first important step towards bringing FPGA technology to potentially millions of software developers was taken. The FSP Workshop aims at bringing researchers and experts from both academia and industry together to discuss and exchange the latest research advances and future trends.This includes high-level compilation and languages, design automation tools that raise the abstraction level when designing for (heterogeneous) FPGAs and reconfigurable systems and standardized targetplatforms.This will in particular put focus on the requirements of software developers and application engineers.In addition, a distinctive feature of the workshop will be its cross section through all design levels, ranging from programming down to custom hardware.Thus, the workshop is targeting all those who are interested in understanding the big picture and the potential of domain-specific computing and software-driven FPGA development.In addition, the FSP Workshop shall facilitate collaboration of the different domains. Topics of the FSP Workshop include, but are not limited to: • High-level synthesis (HLS) and domain-specific languages (DSLs) for FPGAs and heterogeneous systems • Mapping approaches and tools for heterogeneous FPGAs • Support of hard IP blocks such as embedded processors and memory interfaces • Development environments for software engineers (automated tool flows, design frameworks and tools, tool interaction) • FPGA virtualization (design for portability, resource sharing, hardware abstraction) • Design automation technologies for multi-FPGA and heterogeneous systems • Methods for leveraging (partial) dynamic reconfiguration to increase performance, flexibility [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 26,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 3,95 Euro)

ID: 20233535376

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
software, university, chessbase, of, media, 2022, 2023, schulbuchverlag, die, fb, dvd, and, cambridge, in, klett, verlag, schroedel, press, der, für, und, the, ausgabe, vde, chess, base, gmbh, cd, rom, wiley