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Akute Notfallsituationen stellen Pflegende vor besondere Herausforderungen. Gerade alte Menschen, bei denen sich bestehende Erkrankungen akut zuspitzen oder plötzlich eintretende Ereignisse wie z.B. ein Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand[...]
EAN 9783899932300
Hersteller: Schlütersche Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
:Das elektronische Fachwörterbuch Auslandsprojekte ist für alle unentbehrlich, die im Auslandsbau mit fremdsprachigen Bauunternehmen, Bauherren oder Fachingenieuren auf Englisch kommunizieren[...]
EAN 9783834808837
Hersteller: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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CESAR home Lesen 1
CESAR home Lesen 1
12 unabhänige Lernspiele die die Kompetenzenfür Raum-Lage, Identifizieren von Buchstaben, Lautanalyse- und Syntheseprozesse sowei Lese-Sinn-Verstämdnis trainieren. Für Kinder der ersten und zweiten Klasse geeigent sowie für LRS-Kinder auch in der dritten[...]
EAN 9783933651112
Hersteller: Ces Verlag
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von: Studibuch-Shop-G
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
Fortsetzung der erfolgreichen CD-ROM Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1. Durch sie wird Tommys Welt größer! Der Wortschatz der Kinder kann um mehr als 500 Einzelgebärden und viele Sätze in Deutscher Gebärdensprache und Lautsprachbegleitenden[...]
EAN 9783981200409
Hersteller: Karin Kestner GmbH
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1 Version 3.0
Wunderschöne Illustrationen zeigen Tommys Welt, sein Haus, den Garten, den Wald, die Schule, die Stadt, den Zoo, seine Gefühle und vieles mehr. In jedem dieser Bilder können eine Vielzahl von einzelnen Begriffen gelernt werden[...]
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Hersteller: Verlag Karin Kestner
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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SmartSystems Integration

Hersteller: VDE / EAN-Nummer: 9783800749195

SmartSystems Integration

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

SmartSystems Integration
The functionalities of more and more objects are augmented by digital components hidden inside, as seen in smartphones, smart watches, wearables or smart cars. These digital changes are opening up new opportunities for companies, which can gain competitive advantages if they develop and integrate such components, technologies or systems into their products. Currently many projects are on the way to develop e.g smart multi modal sensors for health applications, emission monitoring, monitoring of industrial processes as well as processes in food and agricultural production.Thereby smart systems play an important role. They do not only include sensors, actuators as well as electronic components, they are equipped more and more with the functionality to communicate and to work in consorts, to make decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner.The Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition serves as a communication platform for academia, research and industry and enables the exchange of know-how in the field of smart systems integration. The conference addresses again application fields of smart systems as well as smart systems themselves, starting from the design via new building blocks for sensing, data processing, actuating, networking, and smart powering up to heterogeneous integration of the different building blocks, embedded software and manufacturing of the systems.As in previous years, EPoSS - the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration - is organizing two special sessions on the first day of the conference. Participation in these meetings is open to all interested delegates.New technologies as well as different aspects of smart systems and their application are addressed in both keynote sessions. On the second day of the conference the keynote session will be completed by a panel discussion. Invited keynote speakers and high level attendees discuss future aspects of smart integrated systems.For the first tim [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 132,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20228406097

SmartSystems Integration

Anbieter: Thalia Software

SmartSystems Integration
The functionalities of more and more objects are augmented by digital components hidden inside, as seen in smartphones, smart watches, wearables or smart cars. These digital changes are opening up new opportunities for companies, which can gain competitive advantages if they develop and integrate such components, technologies or systems into their products. Currently many projects are on the way to develop e.g smart multi modal sensors for health applications, emission monitoring, monitoring of industrial processes as well as processes in food and agricultural production.Thereby smart systems play an important role. They do not only include sensors, actuators as well as electronic components, they are equipped more and more with the functionality to communicate and to work in consorts, to make decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner.The Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition serves as a communication platform for academia, research and industry and enables the exchange of know-how in the field of smart systems integration. The conference addresses again application fields of smart systems as well as smart systems themselves, starting from the design via new building blocks for sensing, data processing, actuating, networking, and smart powering up to heterogeneous integration of the different building blocks, embedded software and manufacturing of the systems.As in previous years, EPoSS - the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration - is organizing two special sessions on the first day of the conference. Participation in these meetings is open to all interested delegates.New technologies as well as different aspects of smart systems and their application are addressed in both keynote sessions. On the second day of the conference the keynote session will be completed by a panel discussion. Invited keynote speakers and high level attendees discuss future aspects of smart integrated systems.For the first tim [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 132,00 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20233535363

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
software, university, chessbase, of, media, 2023, 2022, schulbuchverlag, die, fb, dvd, and, cambridge, in, klett, verlag, schroedel, press, der, für, und, the, ausgabe, vde, chess, base, gmbh, cd, rom, diesterweg, plus