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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Ein- und Durchschlafen
Ein- und Durchschlafen
Gut ein- und durchschlafen zu können ist äußerst wichtig für die körperliche und seelische Gesundheit. Dieses Hörbuch bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit vom Alltag loszulassen, sich tief zu entspannen und sanft einzuschlafen[...]
EAN 9783893216383
Hersteller: Avita Media
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Leben im All
Leben im All
Kometen, Sternschnuppen und Protagonisten des Sonnensystems wie Saturn, Mars und Venus geben sich ein Stelldichein in dieser knallbunten Revue, in der das Schwarze Loch zwar alle auffressen, aber eigentlich viel lieber ein heller Stern sein möchte. Und wenn[...]
EAN 9783872268006
Hersteller: FidulaFon
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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The Art of Murder

Hersteller: Boldwood Books / EAN-Nummer: 9781835619216

The Art of Murder

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

The Art of Murder
Welcome to the beautiful English village of Inkbury. Tucked deep in the North Wessex Downs, its only claim to fame is the picturesque riverside that once appeared in a Richard Curtis movie. That is, until the murder...Former stand-up comic Juno Mulligan has been suffering a serious sense-of-humour failure. Not only has she lost the love of her life, but she's having to relocate to the (admittedly idyllic) village of Inkbury to watch out for her elderly mother, who she's genuinely worried might be marrying a wife-killer.She hopes that her old friend, disgraced-journalist-turned-novelist Phoebe Fredericks can help her crack the case of whether her mother's perma-tanned, iceberg-smiled, three-times-a-widower fiancé is hiding a murderous past.But before they have a chance, the local art dealer washes up distinctly dead in the village's famous river. His lover is in the frame, but Juno and Phoebe suspect that there is a deeper secret... One that relates to Phoebe's own past and Juno's present.Will the unofficial Village Detective Agency solve the mystery before the killer strikes again? In sleepy Inkbury, as they soon discover, living one's best midlife can be murder.An utterly gripping cozy crime mystery, from million-copy bestselling Fiona Walker, guaranteed to absolutely delight fans of Richard Osman, Janet Evanovich and the Reverend Richard Coles. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 22,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23694799410

The Art of Murder

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

The Art of Murder
Welcome to the beautiful English village of Inkbury. Tucked deep in the North Wessex Downs, its only claim to fame is the picturesque riverside that once appeared in a Richard Curtis movie. That is, until the murder...Former stand-up comic Juno Mulligan has been suffering a serious sense-of-humour failure. Not only has she lost the love of her life, but she's having to relocate to the (admittedly idyllic) village of Inkbury to watch out for her elderly mother, who she's genuinely worried might be marrying a wife-killer.She hopes that her old friend, disgraced-journalist-turned-novelist Phoebe Fredericks can help her crack the case of whether her mother's perma-tanned, iceberg-smiled, three-times-a-widower fiancé is hiding a murderous past.But before they have a chance, the local art dealer washes up distinctly dead in the village's famous river. His lover is in the frame, but Juno and Phoebe suspect that there is a deeper secret... One that relates to Phoebe's own past and Juno's present.Will the unofficial Village Detective Agency solve the mystery before the killer strikes again? In sleepy Inkbury, as they soon discover, living one's best midlife can be murder.An utterly gripping cozy crime mystery, from million-copy bestselling Fiona Walker, guaranteed to absolutely delight fans of Richard Osman, Janet Evanovich and the Reverend Richard Coles. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 22,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23694083758

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
hörbuch, media, lust, and, house, audiobooks, medien, lübbe, von, mercurius, editions, des, publishing, de, music, downloads, of, folge, in, gmbh, das, und, the, verlag, die, audio, egmont, saga, der, ein