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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Eltern müssen nicht tatenlos zusehen, wenn das eigene Kind aus Prüfungsangst nicht die Leistungen bringt, die aufgrund seines kognitiven Leistungsvermögens zu erwarten wären. Prüfungsangst ist ein gedankliches Konstrukt,[...]
EAN 9783893217052
Hersteller: Neptun Media
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Entspannungstraining nach Jacobson
Entspannungstraining nach Jacobson
Das Verfahren der progressiven Muskelentspannung nach Jacobson gilt als eine der einfachsten und effektivsten Entspannungsübungen überhaupt. Sie lässt sich leicht in den Alltag integrieren, ist fast überall und zu jeder Zeit[...]
EAN 9783981107005
Hersteller: Mayer, Karl C.
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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City of Ashes  / Chroniken der Unterwelt Bd.2
City of Ashes / Chroniken der Unterwelt Bd.2
Clary wünscht sich ihr normales Leben zurück. Doch was ist schon normal, wenn man als Schattenjägerin gegen Dämonen, Werwölfe, Vampire und Feen kämpfen muss? Sie wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als der Unterwelt den Rücken[...]
EAN 9783838764900
Hersteller: Lübbe Audio
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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The House at Ocean's End: the new captivating saga of secrets and friendship from the Irish bestseller

Hersteller: Aria / EAN-Nummer: 9781035909131

The House at Ocean's End: the new captivating saga of secrets and friendship from the Irish bestseller

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

The House at Ocean's End: the new captivating saga of secrets and friendship from the Irish bestseller
Three women, all with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Constance Macken, in her ninth decade, is looking back on a life filled with laughter and loss, tragedy and triumph, but knows it is time to right the wrongs from her past that have always haunted her. Heather Banks arrives on the island to bury her mother. Already adrift with her business sold and her divorce finalised, time on the island may be the perfect opportunity to change the course of her future. Ros Stokes has managed to slip into the perfect job, the perfect cottage and friends that feel like family. However, when the stitches of her life begin to unravel, she must find a way to hold onto the things that have become most dear to her and let go of what holds her back. In a faded art deco house by the sea these women must come together to save the house they love and each other, because they might have run from their troubles but only time will tell if they can overcome their past. *** PRAISE FOR FAITH HOGAN: 'A captivating read, written with warmth and elegance... the perfect escape!' - Evie Woods, author of The Lost Bookshop 'Utterly enchanting! I would wholeheartedly welcome a week or two being looked after by Esme in beautiful Ballycove' - Heidi Swain 'Once again Faith pulls you into her world instantly and never lets you go, with such an incredibly real cast of characters who you feel actually exist. A Life affirming and unputdownable read' - Trisha Ashley 'I LOVED it. There is a glow that comes from all of Faith's books that warms every part of me' - Cathy Kelly 'A beautiful and intriguing story celebrating self-discovery, friendship and family bonds' - Phaedra Patrick, bestselling author of The Library of Lost and Found 'What a delight this book is. A gorgeous cast of characters, the perfect seaside setting and Faith Hogan's wonderful talent for dialogue all come together to make this a lovely feel-good story with an ending that will cheer your heart' - Imogen Clark, bestselling author of Impossi [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 19,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24186536557

The House at Ocean's End: the new captivating saga of secrets and friendship from the Irish bestseller

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

The House at Ocean's End: the new captivating saga of secrets and friendship from the Irish bestseller
Three women, all with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Constance Macken, in her ninth decade, is looking back on a life filled with laughter and loss, tragedy and triumph, but knows it is time to right the wrongs from her past that have always haunted her. Heather Banks arrives on the island to bury her mother. Already adrift with her business sold and her divorce finalised, time on the island may be the perfect opportunity to change the course of her future. Ros Stokes has managed to slip into the perfect job, the perfect cottage and friends that feel like family. However, when the stitches of her life begin to unravel, she must find a way to hold onto the things that have become most dear to her and let go of what holds her back. In a faded art deco house by the sea these women must come together to save the house they love and each other, because they might have run from their troubles but only time will tell if they can overcome their past. *** PRAISE FOR FAITH HOGAN: 'A captivating read, written with warmth and elegance... the perfect escape!' - Evie Woods, author of The Lost Bookshop 'Utterly enchanting! I would wholeheartedly welcome a week or two being looked after by Esme in beautiful Ballycove' - Heidi Swain 'Once again Faith pulls you into her world instantly and never lets you go, with such an incredibly real cast of characters who you feel actually exist. A Life affirming and unputdownable read' - Trisha Ashley 'I LOVED it. There is a glow that comes from all of Faith's books that warms every part of me' - Cathy Kelly 'A beautiful and intriguing story celebrating self-discovery, friendship and family bonds' - Phaedra Patrick, bestselling author of The Library of Lost and Found 'What a delight this book is. A gorgeous cast of characters, the perfect seaside setting and Faith Hogan's wonderful talent for dialogue all come together to make this a lovely feel-good story with an ending that will cheer your heart' - Imogen Clark, bestselling author of Impossi [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 19,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24185306479

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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