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Akute Notfallsituationen stellen Pflegende vor besondere Herausforderungen. Gerade alte Menschen, bei denen sich bestehende Erkrankungen akut zuspitzen oder plötzlich eintretende Ereignisse wie z.B. ein Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand[...]
EAN 9783899932300
Hersteller: Schlütersche Verlag
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
Elektronisches Wörterbuch Auslandsprojekte/Dt.-Eng.
:Das elektronische Fachwörterbuch Auslandsprojekte ist für alle unentbehrlich, die im Auslandsbau mit fremdsprachigen Bauunternehmen, Bauherren oder Fachingenieuren auf Englisch kommunizieren[...]
EAN 9783834808837
Hersteller: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
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von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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CESAR home Lesen 1
CESAR home Lesen 1
12 unabhänige Lernspiele die die Kompetenzenfür Raum-Lage, Identifizieren von Buchstaben, Lautanalyse- und Syntheseprozesse sowei Lese-Sinn-Verstämdnis trainieren. Für Kinder der ersten und zweiten Klasse geeigent sowie für LRS-Kinder auch in der dritten[...]
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Hersteller: Ces Verlag
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Tommys Gebärdenwelt 2
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Fortsetzung der erfolgreichen CD-ROM Tommys Gebärdenwelt 1. Durch sie wird Tommys Welt größer! Der Wortschatz der Kinder kann um mehr als 500 Einzelgebärden und viele Sätze in Deutscher Gebärdensprache und Lautsprachbegleitenden[...]
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Wunderschöne Illustrationen zeigen Tommys Welt, sein Haus, den Garten, den Wald, die Schule, die Stadt, den Zoo, seine Gefühle und vieles mehr. In jedem dieser Bilder können eine Vielzahl von einzelnen Begriffen gelernt werden[...]
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The IEEE Wireless Dictionary

Hersteller: John Wiley & Sons / EAN-Nummer: 9780738161082

The IEEE Wireless Dictionary

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

The IEEE Wireless Dictionary
This is an easy-to-read, handy guide to the current terms used within 46 IEEE Standards and the wireless technology world. It includes nearly 3,200 terms and definitions with complete source citations. Search for terms by keyword, standard number or alphabetically This CD-ROM also features easy-to-read equations and formulas. This CD-ROM is more than a dictionary in most cases it reads like an encyclopedia. Rather than just giving a terse definition for various wireless terms, many of the definitions contain additional information to provide context for understanding the term. A little history is added where appropriate as well as some opinion regarding the technical and marketing issues that make the design of wireless systems so interesting. The Overview addresses a couple of topics that are common to many of the definitions, frequency bands and the OSI networking model. Wireless technology, like many other technical fields, has its own set of jargon and acronyms. Many times, these acronyms are used simply to reduce the effort required to describe concepts. The goal of this CD-ROM is to provide meaning for the acronyms and jargon used in the wireless industry with a particular emphasis on commercial systems. Although not exhaustive, an additional goal was to include the most commonly used terms. Individuals who are experts in one particular field, e.g., 3G cellular or WLANs, will find terms from other fields with which they may be unfamiliar. Individuals who need to have broad view of the wireless landscape will find that this CD-ROM covers most of the topics and terms that are important in today's market. Technology areas that are addresses in the CD-ROM include: ad hoc networks, broadband wireless access (BWA), coexistence, integrity/confidentiality, interference, low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN), media independent handover, mobile broadband wireless access, mobility, quality of service (QoS), RF/microwave exposure assessment, SAR measurements, [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 49,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23244660006

The IEEE Wireless Dictionary

Anbieter: Thalia Software

The IEEE Wireless Dictionary
This is an easy-to-read, handy guide to the current terms used within 46 IEEE Standards and the wireless technology world. It includes nearly 3,200 terms and definitions with complete source citations. Search for terms by keyword, standard number or alphabetically This CD-ROM also features easy-to-read equations and formulas. This CD-ROM is more than a dictionary in most cases it reads like an encyclopedia. Rather than just giving a terse definition for various wireless terms, many of the definitions contain additional information to provide context for understanding the term. A little history is added where appropriate as well as some opinion regarding the technical and marketing issues that make the design of wireless systems so interesting. The Overview addresses a couple of topics that are common to many of the definitions, frequency bands and the OSI networking model. Wireless technology, like many other technical fields, has its own set of jargon and acronyms. Many times, these acronyms are used simply to reduce the effort required to describe concepts. The goal of this CD-ROM is to provide meaning for the acronyms and jargon used in the wireless industry with a particular emphasis on commercial systems. Although not exhaustive, an additional goal was to include the most commonly used terms. Individuals who are experts in one particular field, e.g., 3G cellular or WLANs, will find terms from other fields with which they may be unfamiliar. Individuals who need to have broad view of the wireless landscape will find that this CD-ROM covers most of the topics and terms that are important in today's market. Technology areas that are addresses in the CD-ROM include: ad hoc networks, broadband wireless access (BWA), coexistence, integrity/confidentiality, interference, low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN), media independent handover, mobile broadband wireless access, mobility, quality of service (QoS), RF/microwave exposure assessment, SAR measurements, [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Software

Preis: 49,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 23245704380

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
software, university, chessbase, of, media, 2022, 2023, schulbuchverlag, die, fb, dvd, and, cambridge, in, klett, verlag, schroedel, press, der, für, und, the, ausgabe, vde, chess, base, gmbh, cd, rom, wiley