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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Eltern müssen nicht tatenlos zusehen, wenn das eigene Kind aus Prüfungsangst nicht die Leistungen bringt, die aufgrund seines kognitiven Leistungsvermögens zu erwarten wären. Prüfungsangst ist ein gedankliches Konstrukt,[...]
EAN 9783893217052
Hersteller: Neptun Media
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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The Quest of Iranon (The Work of H. P. Lovecraft, Episode 23)

Hersteller: Lauscher Audiobooks / EAN-Nummer: 9783711906915

The Quest of Iranon (The Work of H. P. Lovecraft, Episode 23)

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

The Quest of Iranon (The Work of H. P. Lovecraft, Episode 23)
The story is about a golden-haired youth who wanders into the city of Teloth, telling tales of the great city of Aira, where he was a prince. While Iranon enjoys singing and telling his tales of wonder, few people appreciate it. A city solon even orders Iranon to cease his singing & music, and become apprenticed to a cobbler - or leave the city by sunset. When a disenfranchised boy named Romnod suggests leaving Teloth to go to the famed city of Oonai (which he thinks may be Aira, now under a different name), Iranon takes him up on his offer. Iranon and Romnod spend years on their journey to Oonai. Along the way, Romnod grows up while Iranon remains exactly the same. Eventually they reach Oonai, which Iranon is disappointed (although not surprised) to discover isn't Aira. Iranon is loved by the people in Oonai, however, so he stays there even though he still desires to return to Aira. As the years pass, people appreciate him less and less, and he is eventually upstaged by dancers from the desert. By this point, Romnod has grown old and has become a drunkard. After Romnod's death, Iranon decides to leave Oonai and continue his search for Aira. Eventually Iranon comes across an old shepherd and asks him if he knows of Aira. The shepherd tells him that he has indeed heard of it, for in his youth there was a beggar's boy who had always talked about it. The boy, who presumed himself to be a prince, was laughed at by everyone and ran away. With the truth revealed, that Aira was merely a figment of his imagination, Iranon loses his eternal youth. Now aged significantly, Iranon wanders into the quicksands to his death. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 0,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24460595645

The Quest of Iranon (The Work of H. P. Lovecraft, Episode 23)

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

The Quest of Iranon (The Work of H. P. Lovecraft, Episode 23)
The story is about a golden-haired youth who wanders into the city of Teloth, telling tales of the great city of Aira, where he was a prince. While Iranon enjoys singing and telling his tales of wonder, few people appreciate it. A city solon even orders Iranon to cease his singing & music, and become apprenticed to a cobbler - or leave the city by sunset. When a disenfranchised boy named Romnod suggests leaving Teloth to go to the famed city of Oonai (which he thinks may be Aira, now under a different name), Iranon takes him up on his offer. Iranon and Romnod spend years on their journey to Oonai. Along the way, Romnod grows up while Iranon remains exactly the same. Eventually they reach Oonai, which Iranon is disappointed (although not surprised) to discover isn't Aira. Iranon is loved by the people in Oonai, however, so he stays there even though he still desires to return to Aira. As the years pass, people appreciate him less and less, and he is eventually upstaged by dancers from the desert. By this point, Romnod has grown old and has become a drunkard. After Romnod's death, Iranon decides to leave Oonai and continue his search for Aira. Eventually Iranon comes across an old shepherd and asks him if he knows of Aira. The shepherd tells him that he has indeed heard of it, for in his youth there was a beggar's boy who had always talked about it. The boy, who presumed himself to be a prince, was laughed at by everyone and ran away. With the truth revealed, that Aira was merely a figment of his imagination, Iranon loses his eternal youth. Now aged significantly, Iranon wanders into the quicksands to his death. [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 0,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24460630739

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
hörbuch, folge, ein, medien, mercurius, editions, lübbe, audiobooks, management, von, des, publishing, media, music, of, downloads, gmbh, de, das, und, in, the, storyside, verlag, die, audio, egmont, saga, der, and