Toryboy The Movie
Hersteller: Fremantle Arvato / EAN-Nummer: 5030697021823
Anbieter: ZAVVI
Toryboy The Movie
Toryboy: The Movie is a quirky, witty, fast-moving, thought-provoking insight into how one unconventional Tory candidate fought an equally unconventional campaign in a safe, northern Labour seat. ''I'd defy anyone with an interest in politics not to enjoy John Walsh's film, which he stars in, produces and directs. With one notable exception that is: Sir Stuart Bell, the Labour MP for Middlesbrough, will have found it decidedly uncomfortable viewing as the documentary brands him 'arrogant', 'elusive' and negligent in his duties towards his constituents.'' - Lord Ashcroft, KCMG, Former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party EXTRAS FEATURES: Film Trailer | Shooting Gallery Animation from ToryBoy | ToryBoy The Aftermath.
Preis: 18,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 5,99 Euro)
ID: 22412379936
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
dvd, sony, screenbound, to, channel, complete, dazzler, serie, der, in, and, acorn, season, itv, universal, entertainment, die, staffel, films, crunchyroll, media, series, of, paramount, spirit, pictures, network, home, the, cornerstone