Washi Tape Schicksal/Morris Windstoß, ,
Hersteller: Hartley & Marks Publishers Ltd (Paperblanks) / EAN-Nummer: 9781439781630
Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
Washi Tape Schicksal/Morris Windstoß, ,
Using authentic Japanese washi tape paper, metallic foiling and a touch of varnish for protection, our Destiny/Morris Windrush washi tape set will bring a pop of colour to your bullet journal spread. This double-pack is inspired by an antique book binding and a William Morris textile pattern. Original Art: Chamerot et Renouard's binding for Voltaire's Book of Fate / William Morris pencil and watercolour sketch. Era: Bound in 1893, first published in 1747 / 1881. Region: France / Surrey, England.
Preis: 7,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24502837160
Anbieter: Thalia Kalender
Washi Tape Schicksal/Morris Windstoß, ,
Using authentic Japanese washi tape paper, metallic foiling and a touch of varnish for protection, our Destiny/Morris Windrush washi tape set will bring a pop of colour to your bullet journal spread. This double-pack is inspired by an antique book binding and a William Morris textile pattern. Original Art: Chamerot et Renouard's binding for Voltaire's Book of Fate / William Morris pencil and watercolour sketch. Era: Bound in 1893, first published in 1747 / 1881. Region: France / Surrey, England.
Preis: 7,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)
ID: 24502749100
Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
buch, für, demand, das, bod, der, books, on, von, in, die, verlag, und, teile, foto, größe, glückliche, lege, 64x48cm, stunden, 1000, puzzle, 2000, 90x67cm, adventskalender, 2024, flipflop, alle, calvendo, zur, partners, de, grin, wissen, unser, des, im, gmbh, springer, llc, gruyter, hansebooks, berlin, media, mit, creative, fans