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Allein unter Juden
Allein unter Juden
Ende 2012 erschien Tuvia Tenenboms furioser Reisebericht Allein unter Deutschen, der heftig diskutiert wurde und monatelang auf der Bestsellerliste stand. Nach seiner Deutschland-Tour hat sich Tenenbom 2013 auf Entdeckungsreise durch Israel begeben. Dreißig[...]
EAN 9783942057707
Hersteller: John von RBmedia Verlag
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Keine Angst vor Prüfungen
Eltern müssen nicht tatenlos zusehen, wenn das eigene Kind aus Prüfungsangst nicht die Leistungen bringt, die aufgrund seines kognitiven Leistungsvermögens zu erwarten wären. Prüfungsangst ist ein gedankliches Konstrukt,[...]
EAN 9783893217052
Hersteller: Neptun Media
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?

Hersteller: Crossway / EAN-Nummer: 9798874901172

Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?
Addressing Doubts about God's Justice and Goodness in the Face of Evil In the face of evil and suffering, many people question God's goodness. Even faithful Christians may struggle to see God's justice when they experience the heartache, pain, and tragedies of our broken world. Why does God seem to remain silent when we need him the most? Collin Hansen's short and accessible guide answers suffering peoples' questions about God's character by exploring the stories of Job, Jesus, and the Jewish people during the horrific events of the Holocaust. Ideal for both skeptics and Christians who want to help others in their pain, this booklet reminds us that God speaks through the cries of his people and offers us the gift of his Son—a suffering servant who makes all things new. - Great for Personal Use and Evangelism: Ideal for both skeptics and Christians who want to help others in their pain - Short, Accessible Format: Combines anecdotes, a historical overview of moral revolution, testimonies from sufferers in the Bible, and literature to answer doubts about God's goodness - Part of the TGC Hard Questions Series: Equips readers with answers to difficult questions facing today's church [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 7,67 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24460595572

Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?
Addressing Doubts about God's Justice and Goodness in the Face of Evil In the face of evil and suffering, many people question God's goodness. Even faithful Christians may struggle to see God's justice when they experience the heartache, pain, and tragedies of our broken world. Why does God seem to remain silent when we need him the most? Collin Hansen's short and accessible guide answers suffering peoples' questions about God's character by exploring the stories of Job, Jesus, and the Jewish people during the horrific events of the Holocaust. Ideal for both skeptics and Christians who want to help others in their pain, this booklet reminds us that God speaks through the cries of his people and offers us the gift of his Son—a suffering servant who makes all things new. - Great for Personal Use and Evangelism: Ideal for both skeptics and Christians who want to help others in their pain - Short, Accessible Format: Combines anecdotes, a historical overview of moral revolution, testimonies from sufferers in the Bible, and literature to answer doubts about God's goodness - Part of the TGC Hard Questions Series: Equips readers with answers to difficult questions facing today's church [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbuch-Downloads

Preis: 7,67 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 24460630666

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
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