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Binding : MP3 CD, Edition : ungekürzte Lesung, Label : Random House Audio, Publisher : Random House Audio, NumberOfItems : 3, Format : Audiobook, medium : MP3 CD, publicationDate : 2015-03-02, runningTime : 894 minutes, authors : Stephen King, translators[...]
EAN 9783837130119
Hersteller: Stephen King
Bester Preis:
7,99€ (+1.99)
von: Medimops (gebrauchtes)
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Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Die Höredition der Weltliteratur
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Die Höredition der Weltliteratur
Die Großen der Weltliteratur Liebe, Lust, Leichtsinn, Hass, Neid oder Gier - hier finden Kenner und Liebhaber der Literatur die ganze Skala des menschlichen Lebens. Und wer schlüpft nicht[...]
EAN 9783844519518
Hersteller: Der Hörverlag
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo
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Doktor Erich Kästners lyrische Hausapotheke CD
Doktor Erich Kästners lyrische Hausapotheke CD
Ob bei Liebeskummer, Geldsorgen, Weltschmerz oder Ehekrach – die ebenso amüsanten wie bissigen Gedichte aus Doktor Erich Kästners Lyrischer Hausapotheke sind die beste Medizin. 'Was soll[...]
EAN 9783855354016
Hersteller: Atrium Verlag AG
Bester Preis:
von: Thalia-Fremdsprachen
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Mann, Thomas: Die großen Hörspiele
Mann, Thomas: Die großen Hörspiele
Thomas Manns Jahrhundertwerke in großen Hörspielinszenierungen: "Buddenbrooks" - Dieses Hörspiel ist über 40 Jahre alt und legendär geworden: Mit Gert Westphal als kongenialem Erzähler und bis in die kleinste Nebenrolle[...]
EAN 9783867176613
Hersteller: Thomas Mann
Bester Preis:
von: Averdo
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Stressbewältigung durch die Praxis der Achtsamkeit
Stressbewältigung durch die Praxis der Achtsamkeit
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Arbor, Publisher : Arbor, Format : Audiobook, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 48, publicationDate : 2014-03-20, authors : Jon Kabat-Zinn, Lienhard[...]
EAN 9783867811217
Hersteller: Jon Kabat-Zinn
Bester Preis:
6,29€ (+1.99)
von: Medimops (gebrauchtes)
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From Memory to Marble

Hersteller: De Gruyter / EAN-Nummer: 9783110615241

From Memory to Marble

Anbieter: Thalia-Fremdsprachen

From Memory to Marble
For the first time, the 92-metre frieze of the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, one of the largest historical narratives in marble, has been made the subject of a book. The pictorial narrative of the Boer pioneers who conquered South Africa’s interior during the 'Great Trek' (1835-52) represents a crucial period of South Africa’s past. Conceptualising the frieze both reflected on and contributed to the country’s socio-political debates in the 1930s and 1940s when it was made. The book considers the active role the Monument played in the rise of Afrikaner nationalism and the development of apartheid, as well as its place in post-apartheid heritage. The frieze is unique in that it provides rare evidence of the complex processes followed in creating a major monument. Based on unpublished documents, drawings and models, these processes are unfolded step by step, from the earliest discussions of the purpose and content of the frieze, through all the stages of its design, to its shipping to post-war Italy to be copied into marble from Monte Altissimo, up to its final installation in the Monument. The book examines how visual representation transforms historical memory in what it chooses to recount, and the forms in which it is depicted. The second volume expands on the first, by investigating each of the twenty-seven scenes of the frieze in depth, providing new insights into not only the frieze, but also South Africa’s history. François van Schalkwyk of African Minds, co-publisher with De Gruyter writes: F rom Memory to Marble is an open access monograph in the true sense of the word. Both volumes of the digital version of the book are available in full and free of charge from the date of publication. This approach to publishing democratises access to the latest scholarly publications across the globe. At the same time, a book such as From Memory to Marble , with its unique and exquisite photographs of the frieze as well as its wealth of reproduced archival materials, de [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbücher

Preis: 184,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20236963343

From Memory to Marble

Anbieter: Thalia Hörbücher

From Memory to Marble
For the first time, the 92-metre frieze of the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, one of the largest historical narratives in marble, has been made the subject of a book. The pictorial narrative of the Boer pioneers who conquered South Africa’s interior during the 'Great Trek' (1835-52) represents a crucial period of South Africa’s past. Conceptualising the frieze both reflected on and contributed to the country’s socio-political debates in the 1930s and 1940s when it was made. The book considers the active role the Monument played in the rise of Afrikaner nationalism and the development of apartheid, as well as its place in post-apartheid heritage. The frieze is unique in that it provides rare evidence of the complex processes followed in creating a major monument. Based on unpublished documents, drawings and models, these processes are unfolded step by step, from the earliest discussions of the purpose and content of the frieze, through all the stages of its design, to its shipping to post-war Italy to be copied into marble from Monte Altissimo, up to its final installation in the Monument. The book examines how visual representation transforms historical memory in what it chooses to recount, and the forms in which it is depicted. The second volume expands on the first, by investigating each of the twenty-seven scenes of the frieze in depth, providing new insights into not only the frieze, but also South Africa’s history. François van Schalkwyk of African Minds, co-publisher with De Gruyter writes: F rom Memory to Marble is an open access monograph in the true sense of the word. Both volumes of the digital version of the book are available in full and free of charge from the date of publication. This approach to publishing democratises access to the latest scholarly publications across the globe. At the same time, a book such as From Memory to Marble , with its unique and exquisite photographs of the frieze as well as its wealth of reproduced archival materials, de [...]

Anbieter-Kategorie: Hörbücher

Preis: 184,99 Euro (+ Versandkosten 0,00 Euro)

ID: 20233896130

Schlagworte der gewählten Anbieter-Kategorien:
hörbücher, entertainment, argon, sony, for, hörverlag, silberfisch, von, ein, and, medien, division, in, folge, oasis, audio, universal, vertrieb, das, und, media, cd, of, music, verlag, the, gmbh, die, der, books